I kept reaching for clouds
So many times before
But I seem to always trip
And fall to the bottom floor
As I lay, I say get up
They pull away together, his hand upon her helmEmbarking the never-ending thoroughfare realm The roar of her diesel engine, prepared for the runVentur..
Anguish, prodigious Compassion searching for its way homeYet grit is all that is acknowledgedRelics of hearts depraved of love and accompanimentMispla..
Mindful, ancient accrued wisdom one’s life hathMoments adrift from birth to pending at handWondering lost like a pebble on a mountain pathFacing..
The DarkYour BreathMy NeckOur TouchFeverish heat combating the cool night airForbidden lust can never more be forswearFacetious remarks combated by de..
Regretting actions performed of days gone pastOverrun by disappointment given the chanceDwelling pain which seems to carelessly lastCan be eradicated ..
It is a night of dark desire, a song of lust, wolves vent their howls. The thirsting one awakens. Night shrouds her stalking form, atimeless and everl..
Around, all around, the shadows gather.My dread grows as the angry hand of Heaven falls against my naked soul.It mutilates me, and darkly my essence d..
You dug, deep into my soulSimilar to a parasite, you remainGnawing, proud of your roleWhirling throughout my thoughtful brainNeed strength to release ..
But why Mommy...?For the millionth time askedTrying to find out all the factsBut why Mommy... Is the sun yellow, the sky blue?Do lions live in a zoo?D..