Não hà gente como agente...
Uma comédia portuguesa... com certeza!
de Luciano A. Pimentel
I penned this one quite a few years ago: I was still a lad, neophyte philosopher, slightly wet behind the ears - and educated in French!
An auld project... Should it get forgotten, I would just cry for it could mean that the boy inside the man is ready to... die? Say it isn't so Luciano..
A young damsel who figures she knows it all immerses herself into the lives of well-to-do suburbanites who turn out to be more than met the teen know-..
Once upon a time, there was a little girl.She was gravely ill,but none would tell her that she wasand just how dire her condition truly was, also...He..
RENAISSANCELe temps du Carême et de la
Pâques a été maintes fois affublé des plus belles vertus: car c'est,
Each new site such as this one, each new profile is an occasion to be born anew, verily; hence, I present to you what I have shared on WriteSight.com ..
Each new site such as this one, each new profile is an occasion to be born anew, verily; hence, I present to you an excerpt shared before; of a forewo..
One of those literary examples in which I joyously alternate from sentiment to humor and back again... Enjoy!
Philosophical bits to be read out loud whenever and wherever you please...! Perfect as inspiration for new year resolutions!