A Chapter by Teh_Az
Chapter I: Star Bound
Scene I
Wick followed in the wake of the blue-coated masses. On his own, he
hadn’t expected to find his way around ..
Tom was reading War of the Worlds.It told of conquerors from another planet, complete helplessness, and survival amidst total horror. It was something..
Tom was reading War of the Worlds.It told of conquerors from another planet, complete helplessness, and survival amidst total horror. It was something..
just a sketch
Over the walls of this cityIn the coldest of nightsAbove the sea of lightsBeneath the starless skyAbove the noiseAbove what never sleepsUpon this high..
by Brother Damaso, of the Society of Aurelius
by Lucero, Master Craftsman, Grande Oriente de Castellano
A Chapter by Teh_Az
Character, Clockwork Canon
A Chapter by Teh_Az
Character, Clockwork Canon
A Chapter by Teh_Az
Race, Clockwork Canon?