rachel : Writing



A Poem by rachel

This is about an ex, but the words could be applied to any addiction that you refuse let go of, even when you see how damaging it is.
Stage for Actors

Stage for Actors

A Poem by rachel

Metaphorical poem
Scales and Balaces

Scales and Balaces

A Poem by rachel

Devoted yearning Most vicious spite Both declare My reaction to you. I rejoice in your pain Before melting in sorrow. I ..
Maybe Somday, Probably Never

Maybe Somday, Probably Never

A Poem by rachel

Just my thoughts on the man who sat next to me on a flight home one night. I never got the courage to ask for his contact information - a fact I regre..
Ill-Fated Persuit

Ill-Fated Persuit

A Poem by rachel

Have I become jaded? Worn after hope has wallowed In the pits of empty promises? The doubts drum quietly Repeat..
Tainted Soul

Tainted Soul

A Poem by rachel

We all feel this way toward at least one person in our life...
This Small Space

This Small Space

A Poem by rachel

Simple dreams and inspirations.
Because I havent...

Because I havent...

A Poem by rachel

Staring at you through the window or rather, The thought of seeing you there makes me feel things I shouldn't Rekindling old sparks that shoul..


A Poem by rachel

This is about smiling when all you want to do is cry. It's about false impressions.


A Poem by rachel

That's what life treats you like sometimes.

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