Angel Bird : Writing

So long!

So long!

A Story by Angel Bird

Six words story


A Poem by Angel Bird

Through Haze of Time Consciousness dissolves Gains Limitless Existence By Depth of Greatness No Gravity restrains Unexpected ..
Rose Garden Of Life

Rose Garden Of Life

A Poem by Angel Bird

This write was inspired by a painting of surreal artist Mark Ryden - The debutante - Please check it out.
Creative Genius

Creative Genius

A Poem by Angel Bird

Happy the one who can let loose of everything around, and get lost in the depths of his passion to embrace his own self, to become one with his so..
Magnum Opus

Magnum Opus

A Poem by Angel Bird

Just an idea I got ...
I miss myself!

I miss myself!

A Poem by Angel Bird

random thoughts ...
In the middle of the tunnel

In the middle of the tunnel

A Poem by Angel Bird

Dear Humanity Destruction the name of thy trail Mindless, unaware and even frail Taking pride in mountains of waste Way too much for the glo..


A Poem by Angel Bird

out of inspiration. a kerchief moment


A Poem by Angel Bird

Five words

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