Allison Brody : Writing

Split Soul

Split Soul

A Poem by Allison Brody

the seventh poem in my Alone poem series
What I bring

What I bring

A Poem by Allison Brody

The fifth poem of my Alone poem series
Lonely Heart

Lonely Heart

A Poem by Allison Brody

the second poem of my Alone poem series
Forgotten Summons

Forgotten Summons

A Poem by Allison Brody

light, dark, love, family
Red-Eyed Snake

Red-Eyed Snake

A Poem by Allison Brody

a snake poem
Forgotten Knowing

Forgotten Knowing

A Poem by Allison Brody

a spirit poem
Forgotten Prayer

Forgotten Prayer

A Poem by Allison Brody

a simple prayer poem
Forgotten Dreams

Forgotten Dreams

A Poem by Allison Brody

dreams almost forgotten