This is sorta a finished story. Does not have a title, and chapters 11-14 are in the process of being written but I already mapped them out. so I will..
Chapter 1-
There he was, sitting all alone on the Empire State building. Brooke grew up in New York and The Empire State Building was perfectly ..
There they were. Two lovers, best friends, a perfect match. But they had a wild history together. And as they sat on that beach for..
Chapter 2-Discovered Secrets
"What do you mean by Superpowers?" Brooke asked.
"Superpowers. Oh come on, you should know what superp..
Chapter 3- Walk down Memory Lane
"Suspension? Why? We didnt do anything!" Brooke said trying to keep her cool. "I walked in here bec..
Chapter 4- Another Secret Discovered and Assigned Elements.
When Brooke woke up the next morning, she instantly remembered that she was suspended. ..
Chapter 5- Lakes, Mistakes, and Big Heartbreaks.
"So I get no kiss back?" he whispered in her ear. She giggled and faced him. Brook..
Chapter 6- The Big Break-Up & The Best Friend Make Up
Brooke looked back at the car and Austin was mouthing,"Please don't do this to him.&..
CHapter 7- Rude Awakenings
"Austin. We better sleep. We don't want to wake Joe." Brooke said in-between kisses. Joe turned over and opene..
Chapter 8- Missing people and Doing the impossible.
Back in New york, Devin woke up with a headache. Why didn't anyone wake him? They had to leav..