Lying on that bedThe best I ever hadExcept , not anymore.The sheets torn offAnd..naked all aroundAs if I knew….I just knewThis would all come t..
I don’t want my thoughts to destroy the war in the inner flesh.The intuitions scream like a just lit fire.The flames light up your eyes, but you..
sometimes one has to end something and leave the comfort
Disapproval and distance tears apart your insides.Deep inside you know,but it doesn't make 20 years disappear.The pain is still nearpresent and painfu..
Sometimes we have to move forward with the pain attached to our backs.Such pressurefollowing - lingering- for a while.The force shoots down.Bricks - a..
Life, presently, is what I created.Downsized to a small, yet livable homeporch with a swing, for those moments.The freedom to travel, but still liveth..
These deaths are slung up on the wall,like no one cares after 30 days. Watching out the window - saying goodbyelistening to that one Hollywood songPla..
Today it rained,most importantly- figuratively speaking.The irony of spoken wordswas just foreshadowed.It rained- it poured,but most importantlythe tr..
Between the tightrope of presentand looking up to the futurethe grave is still empty.All I have to do is slip and tumbleand everything will be efferve..
It's easier to find the faults in ourselves, than to better ourselves. It's easier to feel fear than to do something about it. Just because it's easie..