Watching my children and grandchildren go through some extremely difficult times these last 4 years....it at times has left me emotionally raw, and me..
This is a love letter.. poem I wrote to my husband. I still honor it and him today. I asked if I could share it and he said yes. So here it is...
On a trip to northern Wisconsin...I got up early to watch natures creatures going about their morning chores. I was inspired while lying in the grass ..
This was the final straw...I could take no more lie..it was over.1979
"The Archer's Bow"
The Archer's Bow is sometimes off,
When arrows he does throw,
When targeting your true loves heart,
He'll sometim..
I wrote this poem for a friend and mother of 3. Her youngest son was best friends with my 3rd son. When her oldest son ..only 19 died tragically, she..
" Sweet Baby Mine"
I kissed your pouty baby lips
a million times or so,
I smelled your sweet, sweet baby skin,
and kissed your lit..
A POEM I WROTE IN 2006 as my children and grandchildren had to deal with great pain and hardships in their lives. I had lost my mom and dad nine month..
Written in my hippie days...1970's and stored away.. looking for a critque
Written: October 12, 2004 to my then fiance`. We married October 15, 2005. He is my Soulmate.