Angel : Writing

A million reaons why I hate you

A million reaons why I hate you

A Poem by Angel

the title says most of it however this is in response to that poem said in the film 10 things I hate about you and a little play by William Shakespear..


A Poem by Angel

kinda sad...):


A Poem by Angel

It needs no description
Dirty Liar

Dirty Liar

A Poem by Angel

it is what it is
Top 10 reasons to be a Cross country Girls Runner

Top 10 reasons to be a Cross country Girls Runner

A Poem by Angel

Ahh heck its just an inside joke
Wishing and waiting

Wishing and waiting

A Poem by Angel

a consatnt inner lying message of sadness, sorry peeps but i'm very dark at times...
Just sit and think

Just sit and think

A Poem by Angel

It makes you think a little
No Excuses

No Excuses

A Poem by Angel
