pupeqt95 : Writing



A Poem by pupeqt95

Falling apart from the inside outShe loses sleepBut why doesn't she even dareTo speakShe hides the truth withinDeep within her thoughtsFor only her to..
The Final Stand

The Final Stand

A Poem by pupeqt95

The world went crashing downAnd I'm crushed underneath itI hit the ground so hardThat I don't have the abilityTo lift myself upSo instead I lay there ..


A Chapter by pupeqt95

This is just the opening to my Mystery novel.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by pupeqt95

Being woken up by fire alarms I slowly sit up in my bed. Maybe it’s just Sam fooling around I mean I did go to bed early tonight and last time..
The Morgan House Fire ©

The Morgan House Fire ©

A Book by pupeqt95

I don't really know how to describe this book. I just know it's going to be a Mystery novel and it's still in progress