the light shines the brightest : Writing

forces,pact and the light

forces,pact and the light

A Poem by the light shines the brig..

a poem based on experience
before the return

before the return

A Poem by the light shines the brig..

to the origin everything will return, to the roots everything will turn, when all the energy to burn, is burnt, we will be lost with none. when th..
quest for peace

quest for peace

A Poem by the light shines the brig..

reflections on peace
eye in the sky

eye in the sky

A Poem by the light shines the brig..

a poem on the sun


A Poem by the light shines the brig..

an impulse lifted his mood, an impulse made him lift the hood, an impulse made him less crude, an impulse made him more shrewd. from no where,a ..