Salem : Writing

For my True Friend

For my True Friend

A Poem by Salem

Ok...this is a lovey- girly poem for someone like me...I have hidden feelings that I wish not to express. Yet I can't stop my hand when I'm writing....
The Revolution Of Life

The Revolution Of Life

A Book by Salem

This is the Introduction of my first book. I had a dream about it and have been thinking of ways to word it for months! Here is the beggining!


A Chapter by Salem

The Introdution to my new book.
Chapter 1:  The Rage Within The Darkness

Chapter 1: The Rage Within The Darkness

A Chapter by Salem

The first chapter of my book. It's the begining of it all!
Chapter 2:  The Loneliness Of The Stars

Chapter 2: The Loneliness Of The Stars

A Chapter by Salem

Now we take a look at the white man's life.
Chapter 3: The Heart Of Desperation

Chapter 3: The Heart Of Desperation

A Chapter by Salem

The black guy comes in!!! (sorry...I LOVE black guys!!!...especailly Roscoe!!)


A Poem by Salem

This was at the beggining of my writing peak also.
Lost or Found

Lost or Found

A Poem by Salem

This is the 8th poem I have ever written....don't worry.... I have written HUNDREDS more.... i just thought I'd throw this out there!
My Terrain

My Terrain

A Poem by Salem

This is about a girl getting killed...this girl turns out to be me...don't worry, i am not suicidal or anything...this is just what i write about when..
Salem's Death

Salem\'s Death

A Poem by Salem

I lost a best friend of mine, my cat, Salem. I know it sounds silly, but I told you, i'm an animal lover! He got cancer in his kidneys and had to be ..