an extremely short bit of fluff
what if i told you a story and at the end you had to decide if that's all it was, or if i was telling the truth
A hot mess for Dale, for being so nice about having to wait so long!
Paranormal military, monsters, fiends, Girls with attitude, and Men with big guns. Dreamed up a character, decided she needed a partner, got to talkin..
It wasn't her first solo mission, but it was her first to go so ver wrong. Why oh why did she always have to do things the hard way?
She get's what's coming to her.
So this is a dream i had right? it's crazy and kind of all over the place, and deffinately one of those things that...well yeah you'll see.
Uhhh well...it's uhm a mess but hey- i had a wild flash of inspiration and boom out pours this hot mess. tear it apart it needs it. It's a venture int..
You risk your life every time you go out, i thought it was time you knew that you're more than just my father, You're my hero.
Zombie apacolypse as according to me