The sharp edges are worn away.
Life has made me smooth
as sea glass,
rounded where
once I was polished blade.
infinitely dull.
The girls are sentimentalbut squeamish of thornsof impalementin generali am a target for boysBB guns and slingshotstake down the weakest of thingsand ..
I am transparentfragileCoke bottle greenwith motion sicknessfrom the birthing canalto the briar patchHere you don't movedon't share in the sunglint or..
I misread the sentence " All done with midnights" as " All done with midgets
the poem followed
Each morning the Mockingbird
sings and squabbles
hoots, beeps, bops
croons outside my window.
He repeats the same songs
ad infini..
They will read what I've written
and perhaps take comfort in the fact,
that on paper at least,
I seemed fine with the whole idea.
That I wasn't ..
I swallow her cast off cruelties
because love coats kisses with glass,
to dwell in her favor
one must take her nails.
To live one must always ..
I always attach such significance
to dreams of her.
They are hallowed visitations,
faces on cathedral floors,
voices in waning night
that cleav..
I watch her take my hand
out of love, fear and instinct.
Pieces of the world
are growling,
and threaten,
turning strawberry milk
to a monstros..
Originally published in Zygotes In My Coffee