Chelsea : Writing

112 Ocean Ave

112 Ocean Ave

A Story by Chelsea

This is based on a true story- but it is a creative interpretation of what really happened that night.
I rise to my fall

I rise to my fall

A Story by Chelsea

I Rise To My Fall She opened her big blue eyes to the emerging daylight that crept through her sunlight and spilled over in stripes onto her shee..
F**k it, repent

F**k it, repent

A Poem by Chelsea

F**k it, repent! F**k it, repent! He says The name of one of his songs We are on our way Back from the grocery store He is telling me about his..


A Story by Chelsea

“Hurry up girls! We’re late as it is. Let’s go- just sit down!” the bus driver with the bad perm bellowed from behind the..


A Story by Chelsea

This is the beginning of a novel I want to write about a group of friends growing up in a really small town and how they change when they grow up and ..