Mayukh Das : Writing

Even God Didn't Notice

Even God Didn\'t Notice

A by Mayukh Das

d poem is self explanatory
My Crowquill nib.

My Crowquill nib.

A Poem by Mayukh Das

what inspires an artist? perhaps no one except the artist himself feels that.
Is This what we want???!!!!

Is This what we want???!!!!

A Story by Mayukh Das

this is not a story....... but sadly writer's cafe gave me no other suitable type. its some plain simple words dat says abt my pains to see d fast di..
It's coming.

It\'s coming.

A Poem by Mayukh Das

1 day while taking a walk on a late autumn morning d lite cool breeze formd dese lines in my mind. I 1st wrote dese lines in d last page of a very spe..
The lighted lighter

The lighted lighter

A Poem by Mayukh Das

i guess the poem is enough to describe what i want to.