The Turk : Writing

An Empty Collar

An Empty Collar

A Poem by The Turk

A tribute to my life long friend. RIP Gypsy
Shiny Moonlight Eyes

Shiny Moonlight Eyes

A Poem by The Turk

A simple Haiku about an infant
Eagle and the Totem

Eagle and the Totem

A Story by The Turk

Last year I had to write a folk tale. This is the exact folk tale I wrote and got a 98 on it.
The Warm Embrace

The Warm Embrace

A Poem by The Turk

This poem is about the one I love. I can never get you out of head. To you Lina Grey
The Star Struck Lovers

The Star Struck Lovers

A Poem by The Turk

This is for the one I love. To you Lina Grey