JayG : Writing

Midnight Memories

Midnight Memories

A Poem by JayG

For the woman who put up with me, and who made my life a constant joy. She's gone now, except she is, and always will, be with me.
Midnight Memories

Midnight Memories

A Poem by JayG

For the woman who put up with me, and who made my life a constant joy. She's gone now, except she is, and always will, be with me.
Blind Dates

Blind Dates

A Poem by JayG

I wrote this when my daughter was dating, and a bit discouraged.
The Nose Knows

The Nose Knows

A Poem by JayG

This was suggested by something that was popular among the teens when I was young, and was meant to get a reaction from my granddaughter. The second p..


A Poem by JayG

A friend remarked that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t win. That got me thinking about life, mortality, and the old saying, “Life ..
Bernard's Rejection

Bernard's Rejection

A Story by JayG

Every writer should view this


A Poem by JayG

A few reasons to stop smoking
Waiting's End

Waiting's End

A Poem by JayG

The companion piece for "Waiting,"which I posted some time ago. https://www.writerscafe.org/writing/JayGreenstein/2111777/#comment-4510055
When You See a Stranger

When You See a Stranger

A Poem by JayG

A bit of silliness for the kids. Prosody is a bit off and there are inconsistencies stanza-to-stanza, but luckily, kids don't notice
The Real Reason For Saying “No”

The Real Reason For Saying “No”

A Poem by JayG

Yes, it's doggerel. And yes, it's really lousy poetry. But still, it’s the true reason behind vaccine hesitancy.

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