Rest here in Turner's wave,All bleary eyed the radio plays,My hands fixed to the wheel asThe sun spreads out and yawnsAcross the Come and Go Town.Stre..
haven't posted in a while...
You gave it away with a look,That precious simple look like white linen that's all yours;It's telling me everything:You're telling me I'm fine,But no ..
You got Damage, spilling out from every cut,pulsating every darker hueand colour from every bruise.And under streetlights in some forgotten town,on th..
Before you I'm opened up,
Opened out, laid bare as
lights dim, the film
rolls, pictures move in
faltering fragments through
moment to moment, eac..
in amongst this Chaos you were born
The Boy is Back again,
standing cold naked,
looking at himself
in the odd glass.
It's not him, not
the body he knows,
He wants to go home,
Call me a thief,
And I would accept,
That you'd know
I'd broken into
your skin.
I wish you knew
How much I want to
break in!
To know
Odd piece. Almost like a nightmare. Harking back to the years of social unrest in Italy, and to the fears we all have.
the mountain of Snowdon in Wales, and a mountain of fear, the former I have conquered, the latter I am conquering