The night was warm, nature was alive and thriving-slivers of moonlight beamed through the thick forestry overhead, and as the breeze caused the leave..
A moment of honesty?
Working title
Random late night thoughts, With minimal to no editing.
Another upbeat one.
I'll light a candle for the light that you have lost,and though I know it's not enough, see the costof living is to die-the cost of breathing is to tr..
My mind fell asleep in the back of the jeep,and I am barely alive, but I'm trying to drive.The world's morals died, while I never tried,and sentients ..
Humanity, the potential profanity of everything,insanity, the resulting emnity of being.Planning is what happens as life passes you by,but at the very..
In times of turmoil, be optimistic.
A song I wrote...not too sure about it yet.