How eloquent is the eternal infatuation of love. It flows
without ripple, but with the strongest of currents;
pulling us from the throws of th..
It stills the heart to know,
That we drift about;
Our souls of snow.
Fragile, unique as flakes;
as we cover valleys, touched by cr..
An obsession.
glimpse a somber smile,
as crystals kiss your petals.
Feeling tacit styles,
Measured in lunar miles;
Allow my thoughts to settle.
Wisdom is forever single, for when it elopes with vanity, it becomes distant.
I actually wrote this in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness. Needless to say, I found it interesting.
We have been here before, lost in time.The sweet aroma of a down pour.The tranquilizing hymns of nature.As we pass fellow souls,there is a sense of sa..
This is actually excerpt from a book I am currently in the process of writing. Just wanted to see what the community thought of it.
I work as clerk at a gas station. Just another midnight event.