There’s a depth to his shadow,
and determination in the orange glow
that dims to a sputter every third street light.
I remember how t..
sometimes, when i can remember,i have this dreamin which,some version of mehas become one of those horrible psychologiststhat got into the game to fig..
This is the beginning of something bigger.
All the quiet moments All the quiet longing Never lose Win Again Try Fry Once you find it
Quit Hold tight Once it's gone Forever is lost in this mom..
The wood grain swirls as it bows
back to the context
of an abstract quotation
notated accurately in the footnotes of the universe&..
I tried to see things your way,
I did.
Your prescription was too weak
to observe clearly,
everything seemed a little too hazy
to be broken..
You should have seen the rain fall as the sun came up this morning,
the perfect start to "your kind of Sunday"
Only without you.
All t..
Looking toward the youth,
their eyes wide, stomach’s full.
Force-fed on idealized vanity,
content on sitting back
and watching the show.
Well-wishes and salutations
satellite-sponsored, blithe exit strategies
Friday night’s love is Monday morning’s apparition
Airy, vag..
Pauses in thought
sound frozen
light shocked still
No one's awake on the East coast.
No one's alive on the moon.
Simple sil..