The mile I'd runTo be with you,Would feel like Nothing more Than a step or two.I'd travel the world With alot of haste,Praying that IWas not too late...
Imagination is a Very special thing.Everyone has the Power to use it, But only the mostUnique people canWeild it intoSomething amazing.It can create N..
I see the painIn your eyes and It hurts me.I know thatI caused it butWhat you're asking Me to do, isSomething that I can't.I've been at this place Wit..
The sun rises lowOver the endless landBursting vivid colors Through the skyOf the newly born dawn.It stays high in the sky, Casting warmth and happine..
I hid behind the smiles upon my face,Using them as a shield to hide my real emotions.Something inside me broke,And wouldn't fix itself. You came into ..
My emotions are not your play things!
You can't keep coming back
Wanting to be with me,
And then ignoring me the next minute!
I can't be wit..
Love is like a rose.
It is such a delicate thing.
It starts at the stem,
working its way up.
The thorns are
the rough patches
we go through.
The tears slid down my face,
Leaving wet streaks behind.
My heart was breaking piece by piece.
What I thought we had,
Was just a figment of ..
I won't say I've completely moved on.
It would be a lie.
I still think about what it would be like,
Going back into your arms
Pretending like n..
When things are going bad,
I think back to the old days.
Back to when boys had cooties
And the hardest decision
Was what game to play.
We wer..