Creepy Swine Guy : Writing

The Hanley Chronicles - News

The Hanley Chronicles - News

A Book by Creepy Swine Guy

Just a blast to announce that The Hanley Chronicles is now a novel. So all of you who followed my little story from the beginning can now see how it e..


A Chapter by Creepy Swine Guy

Tess Yancy stepped onto the crosstown bus, tossed four quarters in the fare box, and headed towards the middle of the bus where there were empty ..
Drake's Coffee Cakes

Drake's Coffee Cakes

A Chapter by Creepy Swine Guy

“That's a wrap,” said Kate Overton as she took off her glasses and rubbed her temples. “Send it to press.” “Thank God,&..
Crime Scene

Crime Scene

A Chapter by Creepy Swine Guy

Kate turned and sprinted back to the front door, and jerked it open. “Casey, call 911 now! Someone's been shot.” Kate ran back around the..


A Chapter by Creepy Swine Guy

By now, there were more than a half dozen officers on the scene and one more car was easing to a stop. The officer who'd been making life-saving effo..
Something's Brewing

Something's Brewing

A Chapter by Creepy Swine Guy

The man was tall and thin, maybe six-four and a hundred-eighty pounds. He was moderately handsome, but that had nothing to do with Kate's trance. She..
Mark's Tail

Mark's Tail

A Chapter by Creepy Swine Guy

At seven-thirty Tuesday morning, the bell above the front door at Something's Brewing signaled the arrival of Mark Orosco at his regular weekday time..
The Lazerus Project

The Lazerus Project

A Book by Creepy Swine Guy

One night, when Kate Overton stops to pick up a few things on her way home from work, she experiences a life-altering event.
Breaking News: The Hanley Chronicles

Breaking News: The Hanley Chronicles

A Story by Creepy Swine Guy

The Hanley ChroniclesThose of you who read and enjoyed my first cluster of chapters of The Hanley Chronicles will be pleased to know that I have compl..
Open to suggestions

Open to suggestions

A Poem by Creepy Swine Guy

Sometimes you hear that introand you gulp back the memories.It starts, and it's that song.Some songs remind you of a time,Some songs remind you of a p..

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