This is a childrens story but could be adapted to be a larger, more intricate work.
The sky is darkeningwith ominous rumblingand birds scatter skittishly.The smell of damp clouds,and the taste of their shrouds,the air is full of energ..
The Last Dragon
Chapter 1
The girl named Wren entered the bookshop by way of the wooden door on the side of it. The inside was faded and dusty, like..
Chapter 2
The next day dawned pale and rainy. The street outside was slick with the previous nights rain. Wren stared out of the rain painted window..
A girl finds an old diary, which talks about the protection of a dragons egg. She pursues the mystery and finds something she never expected.
The sun was shining brightly on the hills of Ireland. There was a smell of fresh tilled earth upon the air, and soapsuds. Mary O'Conner, twenty four y..
A quiet trickle of water,dripping onto smooth stone,the smell of flowers on the wind.The sound of leaves blowing in the breeze.the sun shines on baby ..
A trickle of water on borrowed stone,a living forest where ferns do growa softish light through foliage shines,a storm of which dark rainclouds sign.A..
How madly cling the roses
to the moss grown crumbling wall
performing desperate poses,
they'd rather cling than fall.
This is about a Scottish moor