Why am I not a character in a book?Whose life always ends up OK somehow?Why can't my daemons be loved like a heroes?Am I not allowed to fight all my f..
He is gone nowHe has left me hereI'm in a stateI've never knownYet I am not sureI want to returnBut there is only one thingI still believe inI still l..
Nothing is ever as it seems, No one thing is truly what we make it out to be
I Know not where I am in This Dark Place;Alone and Scared' no where to run towards;My heart then stops and begins to race;Love is all that keeps pushi..
Everyone is perfect in their own ways.
As the words form,
On my blank page,
I see THEM,
THEY come for the words,
THEYcome for my life,
THEY take me apart slowly,
And there's nothing I..
Why don't you see it?When its right in frot of you?Whycan't yousee whats right there,When you look at it every day,I can see what you can't thats why,..
One moment you love me,
The next you ignore me,
I try to understand what it means,
While you try to start over,
Every day is always diffrent,
Voices you hear in the night,
Are more than they appear,
If you hear a sweet vioce,
that is the devil's,
It sweetend voice trys to decive,
And ho..
The Wispers in the dark
Are there for you to hear
And when you listen close at night
You hear the Words she wispers
" Only time will tel..