Jo Jezebel : Writing

Injustice of man

Injustice of man

A Poem by Jo Jezebel

The beast within us all
The knowing moon

The knowing moon

A Poem by Jo Jezebel

Oh wondrous moon there you are, Smiling at me from afar, In a galaxy that is star spangled Why do emotions get so tangled? I ask you moon why do t..
window gazing

window gazing

A Poem by Jo Jezebel

Do you ever just sit and watch the clouds float by with a heavy heart and tears in your eyes,I'm sure that I will be fine I will get by, whilst others..
Stepping on egg shells

Stepping on egg shells

A Poem by Jo Jezebel

She wandered the lonely corridors of her mind, blind to the light, shy of the dark, nobody elseseems to care or understand the feelings that she hides..
Seasons and cycles of life

Seasons and cycles of life

A Poem by Jo Jezebel

Life observation and experience