Tori : Writing

Devotional message

Devotional message

A Story by Tori

Losing your home? Family falling apart? Is your life falling apart? I know one solution that can solve all of these questions and more!


A Chapter by Tori

If you read this before my edit, I would like you to read it again, I improved it a little bit.
A heart of war

A heart of war

A Book by Tori

Elizabeth Caldwell joins the WASPs to embark on her own mission outside of WW2 to find the love of her life.


A Chapter by Tori

"Everythings fine." I whispered the words under my breathe.A lie.I knew it was.Everything wasn't fine.Still I cleaved to those two words as I neared m..
Mail ordered Redemption

Mail ordered Redemption

A Book by Tori

I need help with this.It's a historical romance. I was wondering if I should keep writing it in first person, or rewrite it in the third.Your feed bac..
A Wave Of Forgiveness

A Wave Of Forgiveness

A Story by Tori

A lifeguard must rescue a surfer in a storm, creating great risk to herself . In addition, the person she must save has done a terrible wrong to her, ..
A Memory Reborn

A Memory Reborn

A Story by Tori

I have no idea where I was going with this and as soon as I knew it,I was finished.Let me know what you think!


A Chapter by Tori

But he giveth more grace.Wherefore he saith,God resisteth the proud,but giveth grace unto the humble. James 4:6
Finding Grace

Finding Grace

A Book by Tori

Can Grace learn to forgive & trust again?