Relic : Writing

Writers Cafe - Once in a while, they still come back.

Writers Cafe - Once in a while, they still come ba..

A Poem by Relic

Once in a while,as though pulled in by some desireor force,some decide to take a ride backto Writers Cafe.It's not always a long visit, yetthey still ..
A Dreamy Afternoon

A Dreamy Afternoon

A Poem by Relic

The ending has been slightly changed recently.
Fame (Silence and Life)

Fame (Silence and Life)

A Poem by Relic

When you’ve been markedand filed awayand blades of grass replace legionsof euphoric fans,the only unfettered applause leftwill be the rustling o..
James Dean and The Little B*****d

James Dean and The Little B*****d

A Poem by Relic

The Little B*****d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iwish I'd seen him in Fairmountwith a Stetson hat, blue jeans, and boots;or with his collar turned up on a dr..
Language of the wind

Language of the wind

A Poem by Relic

The wind will not stop sighing.Its words are insistent and foreign,hour after hour...It runs through the fieldsand sprints through trees,caressing the..
Car Haiku

Car Haiku

A Poem by Relic

An old rusted carfound sleeping in the dense woodsI dreampt of its past.


A Poem by Relic

cumulus peopletheir heads in the cloudsthey walk byfloat bystaring atcell phonestheir moods - contemplativewanderingfrom here to thereseemingly unawar..
A mile to go

A mile to go

A Poem by Relic

Reflections of a rainy city dayWith smogHovering amongCrevicesOf a sleepy cityThe sun roseFrom slumberHeedful of rainOn the way.Soon,As increasing sho..
Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming.

Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming.

A Poem by Relic

The solitude of the Laundromat.
Haunted and Condemned

Haunted and Condemned

A Poem by Relic

A fragmented Life. Reflections on Identity

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