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A Poem by ToRnBaByB

A poem I wrote about my best friend April A.k.a SoullessPrincess.
Poetic Rantings

Poetic Rantings

A Poem by Orluna

Fortitude… being stupid enough to not give up. Insanity… doing the same thing over and over hoping for different results. Hope… believing in something bigger than yourself (see ..
The Regulars

The Regulars

A Book by Amely

If you could read minds...why wouldn't you want to change the world?
Change Has Come To America

Change Has Come To America

A Poem by Janice Scott

My tribute to a great man, through my own poetic thoughts.


A Poem by Roxie

A poem about me no longer having something that has been very dear to me for years: cheerleading


A Poem by Sarah McKeever Hitt

I am this girl
You can

You can

A Poem by Kilala

You can You can say you wont use me You can say I mean everything to you You can say I am the one You can promise me the world,moon,and stars You can promise me nothing will come between us ..
Of Fire and Rain

Of Fire and Rain

A Poem by MagicHearted Knight

Rain falls a steady percussion of hollow drops on the metal roof invoking a dreamy feeling. Firelight dances with shadows upon the walls in an intimate display pitch crackles..
I Look Upon Her

I Look Upon Her

A Poem by MagicHearted Knight

Written for soemone special...whom I can not say for even I do not know yet.
1 and 2

1 and 2

A Poem by Miss Robinson

it's about inside jokes between your close friends
The Heart Is An Open Wound

The Heart Is An Open Wound

A Poem by DollFacedKiller

The title is a quotish (gotta love made up words lol) type thing that I've always believed!
Fresh Start

Fresh Start

A Poem by Roxie

I know you truely meant what you said About not wanting to hurt me But you already have How can't you see? Your a great person And I will always hold a special Place in my heart just for you ..


A Poem by M.M.S.

Just a short poem...I felt like writing for once.


A Poem by Rik Redus

A poem about ...well, you decide.


A Poem by Rik Redus

A poem about the most unlikely sources of inspiration


A Poem by Anthony Thomas

Should I return the gifts? I've destroyed just about every Memory of you. I almost have nothing left. I burned your letters in my grandmother's cast iron Furnance. I took down every single pictur..


A Poem by Anthony Thomas

The stench of mechanical sex Burns our nostrils. High culture, low culture. Fine art. F**k it all. It's the same to us. Whatever saves you more cash Is what is most treasured. We cannot run wit..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Timothy Morris

It wasn’t the first time Tavoritti Sun had opened his eyes, just the first time he remembered doing so. He was watching his father in a sparring match with his second in command, a phaerie elf ..
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Timothy Morris

For two cycles, three moons and eight sunrises Tavoritti was away from his father. There were no smiles or tears when they were reunited; just a sense of pride at a purpose completed. It was what eac..
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Timothy Morris

It started outside what was then a small merchant camp known as Aesthesia. Being positioned near the Kayromi Badlands was not the best of ideas for a group of merchants as it lured the bolder of the ..


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