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thy name

thy name

A Poem by J.F.Viramontes

sad tis thy name 4 tis the drums with in my ears with ring twith the beat of love and yet tis forgotin that thy dieng sole thy loveing heart has yet to be struck with the cadiver of the sweet child cu..
thy dieing heart

thy dieing heart

A Poem by J.F.Viramontes

how in life can i find the way to you i feel lost held back almost in pain my tears my thoughts you rull them they are yours to distroy or fix to love or hate to hurt them to help them to save me to k..
river three feet deep

river three feet deep

A Poem by J.F.Viramontes

4 ever love flows like that of the un born the blood flows in me in her it burns it light ignits like that of a igneus rock that has no name till its formed yes yes one from vilince and pain the uther..
Christa: A Place in My Heart

Christa: A Place in My Heart

A Poem by Shawn Ruschel

Christa: A Place My Heart By Shawn Ruschel A special friendship, we share A close bond that is unbreakable A friendship that makes the world brighter When it seems dark With warm ..
The Smell of History

The Smell of History

A Story by Eat Life

I work at Goodwill, and have sorted through many bags of old housewares. This is where this writing was inspired from.
Chapter 5: Lock Down

Chapter 5: Lock Down

A Chapter by Cody

Chapter 5: Lock Down Night fell over the ultra stellar city of Delta, causing a cosmic light show. A fifty story high archeology complex stood at the center where Brock and Cody lived. Thirty i..
Chapter 6: Boot Camp

Chapter 6: Boot Camp

A Chapter by Cody

Chapter 6: Boot Camp The Blemockians only had a couple of weeks to enlist into the army but that was enough time. Three million Blemockians flocked to recruiting offices and signed up for the wa..
Chapter 9: The Neurajons

Chapter 9: The Neurajons

A Chapter by Cody

Chapter 9: The Neurajons The Blemockians re-amplified their courage and faith with the Gemini in their arsenal. Queen Christana ordered an offensive army toward the planet Sorkana to try and put..
Chapter 10: The Retaliation

Chapter 10: The Retaliation

A Chapter by Cody

Chapter 10: The Retaliation The Blemockian marines started their trek up to the roof of the Neurajon base, using the peltrix as a lamp. At the weapon storage, they found a series of more spiral..
Chapter 13: Vacation Time

Chapter 13: Vacation Time

A Chapter by Cody

Chapter 13: Vacation Time -The month of Corton day 9, 4000- The noble Blemockians spent up to a week planning their celebration. For their success in the war, queen Christana had given the ..


A Poem by Alberto

Pale blue pictures Puncture me See Sound surround Sink slow Surreal... And fast become What i feel Who knows Who knows Whose watching, what? A million minds Becomethe plot Cant switch of..
In Line.

In Line.

A Poem by Kat

Walking down the road, watching the lines pass under my steps. I contemplate my actions as the wind carries me on. Onward forever, on this road. I’m condemned to reside in line with all ..


A Poem by Kat

This is from a story I'm working on at the moment.


A Poem by Loria Amnekia

Lyrics I wrote for a character to sing in an unfinished attempt at a novel.
Passion and Pain

Passion and Pain

A Poem by Loria Amnekia

Written August 2005.


A Poem by Loria Amnekia

Another dark, depressed poem from late last year.
Can You Free Me?~

Can You Free Me?~

A Poem by Sweetjandi

You seem so kind You are reaching out to me, yet.. Cannot touch me... There is a glass between us, and a lock You seem so nice You reach out to me with a kind look You see my face looking at y..
any other day

any other day

A Poem by Sofia

Come to me as you are Don't fear the unknown Lets join forces And be as one Victory in out grasp Don't let go Cause we've come so far Come to me as you are Anyother way would be a sin screw t..
Full steam ahead

Full steam ahead

A Story by Captain Chris

A light hearted story of circumstance and steam engines.


A Book by <3

I'm workin ona book about a woman dieing, well more of a girl, a young adolescent sounds aproppriate actually. To the point, She will go through death, the stages of grief, and so will those around h..


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