14. Awoken

14. Awoken

A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

Logan POV
I was out at the house that I was building for Rika when she woke up. The doctors had determined that her progress was slow for recovering so they added another month on to her  coma. It took me a week to plan out her house and then three weeks talking to builders and suppliers trying to figure out what was the best way to build her house. I had come over in the mornings to see her while the nurses tended to her and at night when it was too dark to work outside. I had hired on a crew that worked over night to build her house. I was very impressed with the way it was coming along so fast and i knew that by the end of the three months i would have it ready for her to walk into. 
Kylie put in her touches on the house as it went, helping me figure out rooms Rika would like to spend time in. I put up a library and a sitting area so she could curl up and read if she liked to. There was a place out back for her to garden in peace. Every time i stepped into the empty house there was always something i wanted her to have. how much was too much to give to her? i had decided to open up a bank account for her, putting some spending money in there for her to with as she pleased. 
It was dinner time so I went down to the local diner, grabbed some dinner for myself and headed over to visit with Rika. As i walked up the  stairs and making my way through the door to her floor i heard some nurse sound a code blue and i didn't think much of it until i saw nurses run into Rika's room, i dropped everything in my hands and tried to run into her room but the male staff held me back, even with my yelling and screaming. her heart had stopped again and this time it took then a good 3 minutes to bring her back to life.  I stood at the window of her room outside as they worked on her, watching her poor battered body jump up as they shocked her then go back down. I played with my phone seeing if i wanted to call Kylie. It was Ryders night off and I didn't want to bother them but couldn't stand here watching this. 
"Sis?" I asked Kylie as she picked up her phone to me crying
"Logan? Logan what is wrong?"
"It's Rika. They can't revive her." i choked on my tears and started to ball. 
"you stay put Logan. We are coming." My sister hung up and all i could do was let my phone drop from my hand, moving my hand over my wet teary face as i watched my poor little fighter struggle in that room to stay alive.  Is this what she went through with me while Ryder worked on me after he found me a mess at Matt's house? Come on Rika. "Pull through this please." i begged her through the window. I turned around after that and almost walked away when one of the nurses came and got me. 
"Logan?" she asked as she rushed up to me 
I turned around in a confused saddened daze "yeah?" i asked her
"We got her beating again. You may go see her." She smiled and held my hand then walked away.  I turned and walked over to the room where the nurses were setting Rika up with some more bandages and checking her vitals. I leaned against the door watching rika as my sister ran up to me and threw herself around my neck. I hugged her back and shook Ryder's hand thanking them for coming. 
"It's no big deal Logan. You are my brother and i love you. I'd be here for you always no matter what it was. Ryder is glad he can help as long as he can. You know that" She smiled up at me and i kissed her forehead 
"of course i do. They just got her heart beating and are checking on her vitals. Have you all eaten yet?" i asked them and they shook their heads so i offered to go by them dinner. I told the head nurse to call my cell if they needed me again
Dinner was great and after we ere finished My sister departed and I went back to Rika to see how she was doing, not that it would matter since she couldn't talk to me. I read from one of the books i had kept there in the room so i could read to her every night hoping it would help her com out of her coma faster. I fell asleep reading through it and snapped out of my sleep when i thought i heard Rika say something.
"Rika?" i asked as i sat closer to see if  she was really saying something "did you say something?" i asked her gently 
"Help" Her eye balls moved under her lids and I about fainted when i heard her talk. I had to be imagining this right? She wasn't really talking to me, and this was all a dream. 
"hold on Rika, im going to get the nurse."i patted her hand and left to find some one, finding a nurse at the desk doing some computer work. 
"Excuse me, um Rika just spoke in her coma." i told her as i got her attention and she followed me into the room, checking her vitals 
"Rika honey its nurse Sammy, can you hear and understand me? if you can please move your eyes to the left." we waited a few seconds and then she did it, Rika moved her eyes that she understood.  the nurse about fell over from shock until she shook it off and went to get the doctor that was doing the night shift at the hospital. They rushed into the room and started to do tests on her to see if she was waking up from the coma which she shouldn't be but when the doctor looked at me i knew that even though it had been three and a half weeks into her medically induced coma and she was coming out o fit early. I was scared for her sake that she wasn't going to be able to come through it and was going to have a rough time waking up. 
To our surprise Rika never woke up from her coma and it had been another three weeks. The house was mostly done, just the electrical and plumbing to do then it was time to bring in the furniture and i wanted her to pick that all out so i left the house open. I filled the library with books, built a green house for her for when it was winter and she couldn't garden. The creek ran under the house and i made a room with a glass floor so she could watch the water run under her. The kitchen was big enough for her to fit a party into, knowing she would never have all those people in there. There was a small theater room for her to watch movies in a room where she might feel safe. I had made sure the house had the best of the best in security systems, making it impossible for anything to happen to her.  her bedroom was filled with a hug walk in closet and built in shelving for all the new clothes that my sister was getting for her. 
 In the second month of her coma the house was fully done.  All we had to do was wait for Rika to wake up from all this horrible stuff and she could really start to heal. It had just turned into summer and it was getting hot outside. I was wearing tank tops and shorts now when i came to see Rika. She was healing nicely now and you could barely tell that she had broken her neck, the cast was off of her, no more bruises on her body and the only thing that i worried about was the scar that went across her face, that sick mother f****r scard my love for life and until he had the trial i couldnt touch him.  One day my sister had come over to see me and Rika at the hospital and played with my shaggy hair telling me i needed to shave my head for the summer. I hadn't noticed but Rika's hair had grown too while she had been sleeping. I had decided that when she woke up i would shave my head for her. My ear length dark blond hair was a bit much even for me but i had let my sister haver fun styling it for me. On the day of Rika's third month in coma I had stayed up really late talking to her and was asleep on the pull out bed they gave me for my visits when i heard the beeping of her monitors, they were going all over the place, and the next thing i know the nurses are rushing in, pulling all the tubes out of her. 
"Whats going on?" i asked frantic at the nurses
"She's waking up!" one told me but never turned around to face me. 
"Waking up?!!" I asked as i couldn't believe this was happening

© 2011 Misty Blue Eyes

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YAY!!!!!!!! She's ALIVE! ^_^

Posted 13 Years Ago

I agree with the rest of the commentators that this is another great chapter, building towards the end of the story (great build as always with the chapters.) The only suggestion I have is to go over it and clean up the grammar/spelling errors when you put this all together. If you want I can go over it and message you on here. I'm not the best at it, but I could probably help with some. I know how hard it is to self edit. Might take me a bit (48 more read request to go).

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very good chapter. I like the energy and hope for her to awake. I like the planning of the house. The chapter told enough to keep my attention. Now I need to know what she is thinking? A very interesting chapter. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Would "Awakened" be a better chapter heading? and "scar" is a four letter word with no final "e"
If Logan is a doctor, why didn't he have a plastic surgeon repair her scar and remove the brand while she was unconscious? I have seen the reconstructive plastic surgeons do miraculous repairs, including remove a brand a pimp put on a girl of 15. Just a couple of thoughts, I am aware you may have a reason for her keeping the scars and brand, but didn't know if you were aware of what can be done in repairs.

Posted 13 Years Ago

YESS! she woke up! man I was worried there, this is such a great story! I just can't get enough!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on December 26, 2010
Last Updated on April 9, 2011


Misty Blue Eyes
Misty Blue Eyes

denver, CO

I have a book called Caged and im working on it every day maybe one day i can get it published Googleskins.net - Cool Google Skins I write likeAnnie RiceI Write Like by Mémoires, jou.. more..

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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