13. Logan

13. Logan

A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

Logan's Pov

I had come to the conclusion that i had failed Rika this time for the last time. My punishment for not keeping her safe and letting her go with Jason was to sit every day by her side and watch as the nurses came in moved her around, cleaned her wounds and just had to wait it out. Kylie would come by every morning to see us, I could tell inside it was killing her to see her best friend like this. She mostly hated seeing me sit here day after day reading to Rika, or talking to her. It kept me sane and I felt better about her being here. The same questions filled my mind every day  Was she going to recover from this? Could she ever look at me again? It made me sick to know that I was part of this.

Would Rika bounce back this time? It took her seven months just to stop flinching from me when I was around her, seven months to get a full nights sleep with out waking up screaming at the top of her lungs.

Cassie hadn't seen Rika yet because of Nikki who was growing really fast. Cassie had called me one day to see if I would bring her and Nikki down to see Rika. I told her it wasn't something she wanted to see but she insisted on doing it so I went and picked both of them up. When we got to Rika's room Cassie stopped dead, took a deep breath and went in to see Rika.

"Oh my god Logan!" Cassie gasped at Rika

"You sure you want to be in here?" I asked her and she nodded

"I have to be. She is my friend and I owe her my life and Nikki's." Cassie sat down on the chair next to the bed and took Rika's hand "Rika? honey are you there? It's cassie and I brought Nikki with me. Logan came and got us thougth you could use some more company here." Cassie looked up at me with tears in her beautiful green eyes, tears I havent seen in a very long time but I was glad to see them again, it showed that she was still human after all she had gone through in her past.

"It's ok Cassie, she can hear you." I told Cassie as I held Nikki in my arms.

"It's like talking to a wall Logan. How can you do this every day and not leave her side?" Cassie asked as she brushed Rika's hair from her eyes

"It's my punishment Cassie; For failing her for the 3rd time since i have known her." I told Cassie looking away from her

"Logan? Is this the girl from your past? Rika is the love of your life the one who hurt you so?" Cassie asked me in complete shock and I nodded my head.

"Please Cassie dont be so hard on her. I don't blame her for living with Jason over me. I hadn't told her how I felt about her yet. I was going to the night she came over to show us her engagement right and when I saw that big rock on her hand I knew that she had made her choice. The wrong choice but how would she know what other choices she had if I didn't tell her how I felt about her? After she left that night I packed my things and left the states. Our parents were rich and I had money stashed away for a rainy day, so I ended up touring Europe for two years, going to school over in Germany and studying forensics. I would come back from time to time, watching from a far as Rika went through hell but I never had the courage to go save her from that monster. My sister would call me from time to time telling me that Rika was beaten really bad or Jason had done something new to her." I didn't realize that I had been letting my tears fall from my eyes.

"Logan why didn't you tell me? Espcially when she came to live with you? She was scared fro her life Logan, i dont think she would have been able to stand up to Jason if you had her pick you. Don't beat your self up over this please? Move past that hurt and anger. You love her right?" cassie asked me and i didnt have to nod she already knew i did.

"Then for her sake, mover forward. Do everything positive from now on with her. She's going to need your strength when she wakes up from this coma." Cassie was right, to tell me these things and later on i took her and Nikki home

I had decided that it was time to start on Rika's house. I got some things together and started to finish designing it. I called one of my best friends to see about him helping out with the lumber. he was more then happy to help out. I was sitting by Rika when the D.A. came by to see Rika and to take pictures for the case against Jason.

"Hello there, I'm District Atternoy Samantha Larson. I will be taking on this case. I wanted to come down and see for myself how bad it was. You must be Logan Jackson." She smiled and extended her hand to me

"Yes i am Logan nice to meet you. So what is the word on the case so far?" i asked

"Well taking pictures of Rika is one of the first steps. Jason denied ever doing anything but we have his semen from the rape. We traced the rope he bought back to a hardware store out of town. So it is looking good for a open and shut case." She started to take her camera out and took a few pictures of Rika. her back, the bruises on her face and stomach. The branding mark on her left breast. I held tightly onto Rika's hand as This lady did her picture taking then let go of it when she left and i shook my head thinking of all the s**t we were going to go through after Rika woke up.



For some reason i couldn't wake up from this horrible dream. I was stuck in this cage of fear and hurt, I just wanted to be with Logan feeling him next to me as I battled to recover from this. What was wrong with me? i couldn't open my eyes, i couldn't move. Dreams of Jason staring me down, while i was held captive scared me the most. Why did Logan let me go so easily? I could her him talking to me telling me everything from the birds chirping to the nurses talking to him about my condition. 

I just knew that i wanted to wake up, see Logan and Kylie and everyone there smiling like i wasn't ever hurt. My mind shut down again and this time it was darkness that fell over me, not Jason's face.



© 2011 Misty Blue Eyes

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Ugh, I would hate that so much; not being able to move or open my eyes if I was awake... that would just about kill me.... But also, there's a major loop hole in the end.... The forensics team would not be allowed to take pictures of her until she woke up... It's part of a privacy law. They would only be able to take pictures of her legs, back, and stomach, not her breast. It would be a violation of some sort....

Posted 13 Years Ago

Nice insight into Logan's POV. Shows him questioning what more he could have done, and shows the reader his flaws and at the same time his concern. Well done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

THIS IS AMAZING!!! you are such a talented writer GOSH YOU ARE SO GOOD!! man I love this story, I love the tragic type of romance where there is a knite and shining armor GO LOGAN!! so wonderful keep it up! I can't wait to read more!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

No healing for torture. You just get use to knowing you were. A strong chapter. A poor girl like Rika would need years to learn trust and desire to be held. A very good ending to the chapter. You create a strong and scary story of abuse and trying to heal. Thank you for the story.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on December 25, 2010
Last Updated on August 27, 2011


Misty Blue Eyes
Misty Blue Eyes

denver, CO

I have a book called Caged and im working on it every day maybe one day i can get it published Googleskins.net - Cool Google Skins I write likeAnnie RiceI Write Like by Mémoires, jou.. more..

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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