11. Looking for me?

11. Looking for me?

A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

I stayed in Logan's arms resting my head against his chest taking in everything that i was feeling for the first time.
"are you okay Rika?" Logan asked leaning down to kiss my forehead
"I am." i told him and looked up at him "forgive me if it as taken this long."
"Oh Rika there is nothing to forgive. I love you." Logan moved around on the bed so i could lay down a little bit more but he winced when he moved. 
"Logan? are you okay?" i asked him as i went to move to sit up but he pulled me back down smiling
"I'm just fine, just healing is all." He said and smiled 
"Will you tell me what happened?" i asked but he shook his head
"there is no need for that Rika. It is done and over with. I am just fine and Matt is done for. Is there anything else you want to know?" he asked as i sighed
"No nothing more that i need to know. i have everything right here." i told him 
"i was surprised you kissed me though." 
"I wasn't. I had been wanting to do that since you saw me at the hospital but i have had to heal for a long time mentally. It's been very hard on me you know." 
"Of course it has. Come on it's getting late lets get you in your bed so you can sleep."
"But!" i sat up in protest
"No but's silly its late and i need to get up early tomorrow." he smiled as he got off the bed and handed me his hand. I glared at him and took it. 
"Logan, always working no matter if hes dead or just broken a little bit." i scoffed at him and followed him to my bedroom. 
"That's me but of course my work never ends "little one" I have been away from my work too long and need to get back to it." He told me as he let me go into my room first. "Cassie and Nikki are coming home tomorrow so the room has to be ready. would you like to come with me when I go to pick them up?" he asked leaning against the door way i set my clothes down on the bed and nodded biting my lip.
"I'm glad you are better Logan. You had me worried when you went after Matt. Please don't ever do that to your sister or myself. we care too much about you." i turned myself to face him as i went to the bathroom to take a shower.
"I won't be doing that any more unless i need to. i talked to Kylie and she told me how you were when i was asleep and healing." Logan walked over to me just before i closed the door; lightly grabbing my hand "I'm sorry about what i asked of you last night. It wasn't fair to you for me to do that." Logan leaned his face against my head and i took in his scent.
"You don't have to tell me you are sorry Logan i forgave you. Now if you want to get up early you better get to bed." i smiled at him as i let his hand go from mine and watched him stare at me when i started the shower.
"you sure you don't want me to stay with you tonight?" He asked me 
"i ask too much of you already Logan, i think i can handle this on my own." i told him smiling but i was terrified inside
"No. You don't ask enough of me I don't think but i'll leave you alone and see you in the morning." he said and left the room. I shook my head and got into the shower. 
All was okay over the next few days, we brought Cassie and Nikki home from the hospital and got them settled. I would get up in the mornings and take over feedings of Nikki while Cassie slept in from being up really late. Nikki loved it when i would swing her back and forth in my arms if i was doing something around the house and she would stop fussing and fall right to sleep. Cutest little thing i had ever seen and her gaze was just breath taking.  Logan was off to work one day when i had Nikki in my arms sleeping away as i was reading a book and he just stood there smiling at us.
"What?" i asked him looking up from my book and down at Nikki.
"oh nothing it just looks natural for you is all." He commented and grabbed some coffee
"One day maybe. I would want a doctor to check me out and make sure i can still have kids after all i have been through." i shrugged at him and went back to my book
"that would be a smart thing for you to do." He smiled and ruffled my hair a bit before he left the house
Later that day Cassie was up and took Nikki from me so i could go lay down. For some reason i was really tired today and i couldn't figure it out.I got in my bed and pulled the covers up over me and as i closed my eyes i heard my name being whispered. Before i could reopen them to see who was there calling me i was asleep and never thought about that voice that sounded so familiar. I had felt like i was being carried some where but in my mind all i remember is being on the beach some where, playing in the water. could this be the movement i was thinking of?  I struggled to open my eyes but couldn't so i started to scream and move around. I felt a body on top of me trying to move its way around on me but i was fighting back. wasn't I? i couldn't be sure of anything right now. i didn't know who this was or where i had gone to.
 I woke with a start and looked around. i was still in my bedroom and no one had been in here that i could tell. Was Jason haunting me again. Was he able to do that all the way from Jail? i asked myself and started to get that feeling like he was around me. I hated when he did that to me but he was in jail and could never hurt me again. 
i heard the door slam and looked out to the driveway. Logan was home really early so i got out of the bed and went to find out what was going on. Out of the corner of my eyes i saw a shadow duck into a room down the hall but was distracted by Logan yelling for some one to come and get me. 
"Logan! I'm right here." i shouted as i reached the stairs but unable to see me he didn't know i was upstairs 
"Rika? Rika we need to leave." He shouted 
Just as i moved closer to the stairs something grabbed my hand and i let out a blood curt ling scream of fear as i locked eyes with the monster that had me. 

© 2011 Misty Blue Eyes

My Review

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"Logan was off to work one day when i had Nikki in my arms sleeping away as i was reading a book and he just stood there smiling at us." This doesn't really make sense. Is he home or is he not home?
I got chills reading the ending... I want to kill Jason, the b*****d... I got a 12-gauge buckshot Shotgun and a really good shovel.... Just shoot the b*****d and bury him. No one will notice... Muahahahahaha.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great flow, and a perfect ending to the chapter, it really makes the reader want to see what's next.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A surprise ending to the chapter. I like the discussion with Logan. I like the flow and how you set-up the story. A very strong chapter with a open ending.

Posted 13 Years Ago

*gasp* Oh crap...more please!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

*gasp* OH NO!!!!!!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on December 20, 2010
Last Updated on April 9, 2011


Misty Blue Eyes
Misty Blue Eyes

denver, CO

I have a book called Caged and im working on it every day maybe one day i can get it published Googleskins.net - Cool Google Skins I write likeAnnie RiceI Write Like by Mémoires, jou.. more..

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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