10. Get Him Back To Me

10. Get Him Back To Me

A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

My heart hurt for Logan. I did love him but i had hid it all these years. I thought about what i had lost by being with Jason. Why Jason when i could have had a better life with Logan? being with Jason was my punishment from God for not picking Logan. I knew that from the start when i saw Logan's eyes when i showed them my ring. 
Now i had Logan and he was off doing something really stupid but to him it was so i could have a better life. I had wanted to be with Logan long ago when we first met in the lunch room at school. I was talking with the new girl Kylie. I had her in my English class and when her brother Logan showed up in the lunch room and sat down with us, i was in a state of trance just by looking at him. 
Kylie was use to it and she told me that i was different then the other friends she had. I was quiet about liking her brother. I never made anyone know i liked him. But it was really obvious when all three of us were together that Logan and I liked each other. He was like an older brother to me but i didn't like him like that. I wanted to be with him in the worst possible way but then Jason came along. he was my father's friends son and from the first day we met at my house Jason followed me around. he ordered me to do things for him while we were around one another and with me being shy and always wanting to please i felt uneasy doing it but i never let on. 
About a year after Jason had been going to our school i could see the tension between Logan and he when i was around Logan. I always preferred to be around Logan and thats when Jason got controlling. He had stepped up and told Logan that I was his girl and if he didn't back off then he would hurt Kylie. 
Jason was a control freak and everyone knew it from his own mother who really disliked him for becoming just like his father to the police who had dealt with him before as a young kid. We had been going out on dates for a year and a half but he had never hit me. One night while we were out at dinner i guess i said something to make him angry and he took me out behind the place and decided to hit me in my mouth with the back of his hand. My mouth had bled a little and when we got back to school the next day Logan saw what had happened to me and he went off on Jason. they both got suspended and thats when Jason started to keep me from my family and friends. I hardly saw kylie and Logan anymore due to being with Jason. 
 The years of abuse, being passed around to other guys that Jason knew here and there. and his little brother Mathew when he turned 18. how do you say no to a guy who will hang you in a room for days on end with no food or water because you refused him or some random guy sex? Matt was his little brother and that one night that i was to give him myself i fought Jason so hard that i had a broken jaw and i was left on the floor of the bedroom with my head split open. I had figured that Jason had thrown me against a wall or the bed posts. 
I was jerked out of my thoughts when i heard a phone ring in the distance but when i looked around i saw that Kylie was there on the phone with some one and i couldn't tell who it was until She told the person to bring Logan back to the house.
She turned around and smiled at me, i hadn't even known she was there. I jumped up and ran into her arms
"Oh my god Kylie I'm so sorry. Please i didn't mean to do any of this i swear to you." i told her shaking so badly that she had to have Dr. Chance come and hold on to me. 
"I know Rika this is not your fault. Logan loves you and would do anything to keep you safe. Ryder is bringing him back to the house."
"What? Kylie wait....." Kylie ran down the stairs and i wiggled my way out of Dr. Chance's arms and ran after my friend. Down the hall she was screaming as she stood at the top of the stairs. 
Logan was bleeding heavily from the waist and Ryder had to carry him in with one arm wrapped around his shoulder. i swayed back and forth as i watched Logan's sister go down and be with him as they the Medical doctors came in and worked on Logan.
hours passed and i sat on the stairs rocking back and forth praying to god to please let Logan pull through this. 
"please god i'll do anything in my power to keep Logan alive. Please god just keep him alive and i will..." i couldn't say it with out a lump in my throat. Finally i passed out some time later waiting for him to be ok and i heard the door to his office open and heard voices talking. I watched as the doctors left and i stood up just staring down at Kylie. tears in her eyes and she looked sick. i grabbed hold of my chest and felt my heart start to tear apart right in front of me.  i sat on the stairs in numbness and complete shock. 
 Kylie came up and sat down next to me. I leaned into her and sobbed harder. 
"He's going to be okay Rika. Matt messed him up pretty well but the doctors fixed him up as best they could. he's sleeping right now so why don't you go down and talk to him for a while?" she told me leaving me on the stairs. Just as the times before i descended down the long stair case slowly in fear that Logan was not really in that office back there. This was all a dream and Jason was going to be behind that door. I took each step carefully  until i caught the edge of the door and leaned against it. My heart was beating faster as i tried to keep away from the darkness but i heard him call for me so i turned into the doorway and watched as Logan was asleep on the bed. 
"Rika....Rika...." He moaned as he tossed his head back and forth then stopped in mid movement and i froze. 
"Logan I am here." i told him as i sat on the bed next to him, brushing his hair back from his eyes. Each muscle was outlined in mass just perfect shape. his abs were like marble molded to perfection. I ran my finger over his biceps carefully as though he was going to break.
Logan stayed asleep for a few days and i couldn't move from his bed. He had always been there for me so i was going to be there for him.
Days had passed and i was barely awake to know if it was night or day with out any windows in the office but it never mattered as long as i was by Logan and he was improving i could careless about the days. I had fallen asleep on the couch  next to his bed and heard something in the room and when i woke up he was standing over me smiling. I jumped to my feet and smiled back to him. 
"how long?" i asked as tears were running down my face but who cared at that moment. 
"been standing here for a few hours i guess." He told me and moved back as i moved towards him a little. 
"Logan?" i asked as i looked at the floor for a few seconds
"yes Rika?" He looked down after me
I lifted my head up and took his chin into my hands reaching over and kissing him lightly on the coarse broken lips of his. Wrapping his arms around me after i could feel him loosen up as we kissed i felt myself being lifted into the air. Never breaking our kiss he had picked me up into his arms and taken me over to his bed, laying me down on it. We didn't want to break our first real kiss but we had to breath at some point. I placed my hand on his naked waist and stared into his eyes like they had pulled me in for one last time to stay.

© 2011 Misty Blue Eyes

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lol GO LOGAN!!!! Awesome. There's just a few sentences that seem to ramble on and on. It might be best to either break them up or put punctuation in them because it was hard to follow. Other than that, this chapter was wonderful!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Another great build with a bit of background info done very well via Rika's reflection.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very strong chapter. I like how you went back in history of her abuse. I like the internal battle to beat down the fears. A excellent chapter. I will read on.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great Job. Flashback to the past, and back to real time. And the end. We all awaited for that kiss...

Posted 13 Years Ago

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Oh my gosh I adore this story I don't want it to end! so romantic! you are such a talented writer I am jealous hahaha great work! please post more soon :-)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on December 11, 2010
Last Updated on April 9, 2011


Misty Blue Eyes
Misty Blue Eyes

denver, CO

I have a book called Caged and im working on it every day maybe one day i can get it published Googleskins.net - Cool Google Skins I write likeAnnie RiceI Write Like by Mémoires, jou.. more..

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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