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9. a new little life

9. a new little life

A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

Nothing ever happened the night that i heard something crash in my room so i resumed as normal and the months kept passing by. One night i was in the bedroom getting ready for bed and reading from a book i had gotten from the library that Logan had.
I was infused in the book that i barely hear Cassie scream out.  But i heard it again this time louder and i jumped from my bed and rushed to her room. She was standing up by the bed post with a pool of water on the floor.
"Help me Rika. Please." she begged through her pain of contractions and tears. 
"hold on honey ill go get Logan. you just sit tight." i told her and flew out of the room to go find Logan. he was just headed this way and i ran up to him 
"what happened? i heard Cassie." he said as we ran back to her room together
"Her water broke." i told him and he nodded as we entered her room and Cassie was on the floor screaming
"Rika, go to my office. In my right hand drawer there is a number for an ambulance. call it please." Logan told me and i went to find the number. I called and requested an ambulence.
 The wait was short and they took Cassie away to the hospital while I got ready and waited for Logan to take both of us to see Cassie. I was shaking really bad in the car and before Logan started it he leaned over and took me into his arms, holding me
"Its ok Rika. shes not hurt. shes going to be ok." he told me and i nodded as i leaned into him. 
 We waited int he waiting room until the nurse said it was ok for us to go back and see Cassie. She looked so out of it from the contractions but the baby's heart rate was looking good. Logan and I sat and talked to Cassie until it was time for her to give birth then we helped her push. After awhile a beautiful baby girl came out and let the world know she was here by letting out a huge cry. I was trying to hold back my tears but it wasnt helping as Cassie started to cry at her baby girl. Logan took me to the gift shop and we looked around for something to get for Cassie and the baby. 
"This teddy bear is really cute for the baby girl." I showed Logan and as i turned around to look at the stuff on the shelves i caught a glimpse of who i thought was Jason's brother Matt. he was 6"5' 300 pounds of muscle and was not some one who i wanted to be around. Freezing in place i knew why he was here and it sent chills down my back and i almost let out a scream of terror. I couldn't let Logan know that Jason's brother was here or that would really set things off. We left the gift shop and i never looked behind me hoping that Matt didn't notice but i had a bad feeling he was following us. I stayed in the recovery room with Cassie and Logan the whole time, until it was time to go back home. Cassie let me hold her baby girl who she named Nikki. She had a full head of pure blonde hair and latched onto my hand and looked up at me in awe. My heart had melted and i knew this was where i was meant to be. Maybe one day if it  ever came to it i could have a family of my own. 
"She is just beautiful Cassie. You did a wonderful job tonight honey." i told her and i held her hand and smiled.
"Yes Cassie you did an outstanding job." Logan said as he leaned in to give her a hug. 
The nurse told us it was time for Cassie to get some sleep so Logan made sure that there were body guards at her door and we left for Logan's place. i was so tired that i fell asleep in his car but was jolted awake by the face of Matt, so much anger and hate in it when i saw him today looking around in the hall ways of the hospital. I sat up straight and shook a little making Logan look over at me worried.
"you ok? whats wrong?" he asked and i shook my head
"just dozed off is all. are we back to your place yet?" i asked
"Yes just pulling in through the gates." he gave me a smile and i leaned into him again as he parked the car. I was half a sleep when he came around to my side of the car and took me into his arms, carrying me into my bedroom, taking my clothes off and putting my night stuff on. I asked Logan to stay with me because i was feeling scared, so he did. 
The next morning i woke up, seeing Logan's arms around me and i slowly got up from their hold and went to take a shower. Images of Matt crossed into my mind, Clutching to my self in the water i could see all the horrible things he helped his brother Jason, when it came to me. the raping of me by the two of them, the beatings. Matt was just as sick, if not sicker then Jason if that was even possible. Without knowing it i let out a deafening cry as i thought Matt had a hold of me. 
"LOGAN!!" i screamed over and over until i heard his soothing voice by me. My eyes were fully open, i was fully awake . Frozen in fear my body locked up, unable to move any part of myself as i saw Matt standing in the bedroom only a few feet from us and i felt like his mind had a hold of me, choking me through my mind. There was only one way to get me out of this stage and that was to put me to sleep. I could hear Logan call for some help and told the maid to go get his medications from his office. All i could do was stare at what i knew was an empty room but i saw Matt there. I started making choking sounds and it really frightened Logan  and there was nothing he could do for me. Soon Matt's grip on me was gone and all i saw was black before i closed my eyes from the shots Logan gave me. 
I woke up hours later and Logan was sitting by me, playing with my hair. he looked like he belonged here, next to me but how much of this could i put him through? There's only so much of this i could take myself, let alone making some one else stay by me and go through it. 
"Hey there." Logan sang to me as my eyes fluttered open and i looked over at him. 
"Wow, how long have i slept for?" i asked as i brought my hand to my head to try to think of what happened
"I have called Doctor Chance to come over, i think you need to see her. you have been asleep for two days."
"Wait what? what happened to me? all i can remember is..." then the door bell rang and Logan got up to get it. He brought Dr. chance in to see me and closed the door so he could give me some privacy.
"Hello Rika. i see you are awake huh? how are you feeling?" she asked as she brought a chair over by the bed
"i just woke up. Um i feel okay i guess." i played with my hair unable to look at her.
"Do you want to talk about what happened? Logan thought you might want to." she leaned over to me and waited for me to answer
"Not really but some one needs to know and if Logan finds out he might go and do something stupid and i don't.......i don't want that."
"Rika I'm not going to tell anyone i promise. go and head and tell me honey." she told me 
"Jason has a younger brother named Matt. he was at the hospital yesterday and i know he saw me. I never told Logan but i think he followed us home last night."
"Okay Rika. we need to tell Logan. He needs to know this. Don't you think?" Dr. Chance asked and i shook my head. i was being stupid and selfish but i didnt want to see Logan get hurt if he went after Matt. 
"No. I couldn't tell him." I wrapped my arms over one another and jumped when i heard a door slam. "I knew it. god damn it." i said and glared at Dr. Chance when i ran to the door opening it. 
Logan was half way down the long hall way and it made me sick. 
"Logan where are you going?" i asked him and he turned around. His face was read and his fists were clenched
"I'm going after Matt." he snapped at me and turned back around to start walk away. 
"LOGAN PLEASE DON'T!  i know why you are doing this." i shouted as Dr. Chance stood by me
Logan walked up to me and stood there, searching my eyes for something.
"Tell me not to go. Tell me.....Tell me you love me Rika and i won't go." Logan stood his ground waiting for me to answer. My stomach was in knots, i felt sick and ill to myself as i tried really hard to tell him i loved him, which i had finally come to the conclusion i did.
"It's not that easy Logan. Please i hate when you do this." i pleaded with him as he took steps back
"I need to go do this." he retorted and turned away. 
"LOGAN!!!" i screamed and fell to the floor. "Logan I love you!" i said but he was already out the door and it slammed behind him. I sat on the floor completely disconnected from my self and everything going on around me. Would he come back? He had to come back. I had to have him come back.  

© 2011 Misty Blue Eyes

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You always seem to come up with the saddest endings.... Look out Matt, here comes Logan!!!! lol Get'em tiger. ^_^

Posted 13 Years Ago

Another great chapter, excellent build up to the next chapter. There's a few spelling errors here and there, but that's something that can be taken care of in a final edit when you put it all together.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is goooood stuff. There are a number of deft touches again. Like when Rika is shaking when Cassie is in pain and Logan has to comfort her. Seeing Matt. The feeling after Nikki is born. and finally seeing Matt. Is Rika becoming paranoid schizophrenic?

Well you have the answers and you are in control. Good going. One criticism-- At places i felt you rushed with the lines e:g Cassie giving Birth episode is too short and quick.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Okay, girl, you have me waiting with bated breath for the next chapter, please. Would you please send me a read request when you release it. Pretty please with chocolate on it. LOL

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

A very strong chapter. A lot of events in the chapter. When people leave pissed of. It is not a good thing. A open ending leave the reader ready for the next chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

COME BACK LOGAN ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! I want more!

Posted 13 Years Ago

WOW! This is so good! Very intresting!

Posted 13 Years Ago

EXCELLENT!! Can,t wait to see what happens next! So good I couldn't stop reading it!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on December 7, 2010
Last Updated on April 9, 2011


Misty Blue Eyes
Misty Blue Eyes

denver, CO

I have a book called Caged and im working on it every day maybe one day i can get it published - Cool Google Skins I write likeAnnie RiceI Write Like by Mémoires, jou.. more..

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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