4. still Caged

4. still Caged

A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

The water was just right for me as i dipped my toe in to test the waters and when i knew it was just the right temp for me i moved all the way in, submerging my whole body into the water. This was heaven for me compared to what i was use too. i was suprised that Logan would leave me alone in here, wasnt he afraid i would try to escape? i asked my self but shook my head. He was not the bad guy here, Jason was the monster, Logan was my knight in shining armor who had come to rescue me in my time of rescuing. 
 i closed my eyes and tried to think of nothing but my mind would not allow it. i was overcome in my mind with pictures of Jason, doing horrible things to me in the past, the times i was locked in a closet for days for being bad. this was not how you treated your fiance i thought too myself. i started screaming when i thought i saw Jason standing in the bath room, he was just staring at me, his evil eyes staring deep into me. i blacked out at some point, thrashing around in the tub and when i came too Logan was calling my name. when i opened my eyes i was moaning a little but was huddled in a corner of the bathroom, i had my arms wrapped around my knees. 
I looked up slowly at Logan, my lips trembling and i was shaking furiously.
"Rika honey, hey." he said kneeling down next to me "Hey what happened?" he asked me but i stayed in the corner and started to cry,  hiding my face in my arms. Logan stood up and grabbed a towel, wrapping me up in it and picked me up into his arms and took me to the bedroom, laying me down on the big bed and covered me up with the big heavy comforters. 
"Rika? can you hear me? would you like it if i stayed here with you?" he asked me and i nodded. i was too scared to say anything. i kept my eyes open for as long as i could as Logan turned the lights off, i watched the stars sparkle outside the window. i listened to Logan's breathing, it was easy and smooth. After a while i closed my eyes and fell asleep. 
The next morning Logan wasn't in my bed. i guess he had thought i was ok during the night. i got up out of bed slowly as i was still hurting and walked around the bed and into the bath room. i looked in the mirror at my body. i was still naked from the bath lastnight so i could see my whole body. i turned around to look at myself, i had old whipping marks on my back, they made a criss cross all over my back. i had hand marks that were turning black and blue on my arm, my face was still pretty bruised. when i came back out of the bathroom there were clothes laid out for me on the bed and a maid in my bedroom. i looked at her and she gave me a small smile then turned away to finish cleaning the bedroom. i slowly got dressed in the clothes i had on the bed. They were not the ones from my old house, Logan must have had them brought over from some where. 
After getting dressed i walked out into the hallway and followed the talking down the hall to the right. The talking got louder as i walked down the stairs carefully. the stair case was a long curved one, it poured out into the Foyer. a huge chandlier hung from the top. I saw Logan coming out of the office with a couple of policemen so i hid on the stair case and ease dropped. 
"thank you for coming by. ill talk to her and see what she wants to do about it." Logan said with his hands in his pockets as he walked the officer out the door. 
"you just keep her safe Logan. who knows what this guy is capeable of." the officer said and looked back and saw me. Tipping his hat to me i huddled close to the banister wanting to feel small and unnoticed by any one. Logan shut the front door and turned around, getting a glance of me on the stairs. he took a deep breath and let it out as a form of a sigh. 
"Rika, im so sorry. come on, sweetie lets get you back in bed." he said sadly as he picked me up and walked me back up the stairs. We entered the bedroom again and i laid ont he bed with out saying anything. 
"i need to talk to you Rika. will you please talk to me?" he asked as i turned around and faced him. i nodded and waited for him to say something as he played with my bangs. 
"They arrested Jason this morning. thats what the officer came by to tell me." they what? i asked myself as i stared at him 
"hes.." i tried to swallow the lump in my throat "they have him?" i asked as i started to shake, why i was shaking i had no idea. maybe i was happy, feeling free for once. but i couldnt put it into words that i knew for sure.  
"yes sweetie they have him. there is no bond being given for they are afraid that he will come after you." he looked up at me as he played with my hair. 
"Do you know the cop very well? the one that came over?" i asked as i laid on my side facing Logan, he had colone on and it smelled wonderful. 
"oh yes, hes been a friend of mine for a few years now. met him at a cafe. So would you like to sleep some more? you look like you could use some." he commented and i blushed. 
"yeah i should get some more. i dont feel very well." i told him and turned over, facing away from him. When i felt him getting up from the bed i got scared again.
"Logan?" i asked as i turned over to face him as he was by the door 
"Yes Rika?" 
"would you mind staying here with me?" i asked quietly not looking at him 
"if that is what you want" he said as he laid on the bed with me. I laid there with him in silence just listening to the two of us breathing. it was calming for me in a way. i looked over at Logan who was just laying there watching me. 
"Logan i am so sorry for all of this. you shouldnt have to go through this with me." i told him as i moved his hair from his eyes
"why are you sorry? I'm glad i could help you." he said taking n a heavy breath and letting out in a sigh like he always did. "Rika. i should have been there for you from the first day. i have failed you and im terribly sorry for it." He laced his fingers with mine and my heart jumped 
"Logan you couldn't...." he held his finger to my cracked, bruised, and swollen lips and i just laid there, half broken but was in one of the best places on earth. 
"Let me explain something to you." he sang "from day one, i have had this love for you, deep down i had always wanted more out of us but you seemed shy and not sure of yourself so i didn't want to push you. you always seems flustered when i was around, i knew you liked me back then but maybe you were too afraid to say anything. you were kind of a shy person. But I want you know that i love you in every way possible and i will never do anything to hurt you as long as you are in my house as a guest." i just laid there, still as could be, taken in by what he was saying to me but i was having a hard time taking it all in and processing it in my head.  
"Logan I...I..I cant. please leave." i told him and started to cry as i turned over away from him, and sunk into the bed feeling as small as i could i heard him sigh as he got up from the bed and left the bed room so i could be alone. I had finally cried myself to sleep.  
Having no sense of time i woke up to darkness with only light coming from under the door so it meant it was night out. i got out of bed and went down to see if i could get something to eat. this place still amazed me at how warm it was here, physically and mentally, i was calm and felt the love in this place. 
i had come upon the smell of the kitchen, i heard talking so i peeked my head in and saw two older women in their 50's or possibly 60's working on the island in the middle of the room, they were making pies, and cookies. i gave them a smile then my eyes wondered to a couple of girls, younger then I and they stopped to look at me. one had looked like she had been beaten. my heart sank and i started to feel the tears and crying coming on, my lip quivering. I wanted to run, turn away and just run. That was me in there. i was standing face to face with ME. Logan came up on me and placed his arm around me. i was so scared and couldnt speak. 
"Oh god i didnt mean for you to see that. Rika i am so sorry." he told me over and over he was sorry as we fell to the floor as i cried in his arms. 
"who is that? did you do that to her?" i asked him and he looked at me stunned like i dare ask him such a thing 
"Absolutely NOT!" he detested as i moved in his arms to look at him, narrowing my eyes at him 
"then who is she? why does she look like that?" i demanded to know. 
"She is the daughter of a friend. i have told him that i would keep her safe here. she is in no way harmed or hurt here. Her boyfriend did that to her you see. Well it was more like her pimp. look i think we should talk." he suggested and i nodded. i looked back at the girl in the kitchen before standing up and followed Logan to his office once again. This time the door to his work room was shut closed but i didn't ask him why it was closed off. I took a seat in once of his nice big plush chairs and waited for him to say something. 
"i have changed since high school Rika. I have known what has been going on with Jason and you, if i couldnt help you i had to help out others. I got involved with the police, taking in abused women. no one knows they are here. Cassie is on the run from her pimp. i found her in the back alley some where in two towns over, you think she looks bad now, you should have seen her two months ago. That is how long it has taken her to heal." he paused and watched me closely
"How old is she?" i asked him as i crossed my legs 
"She's 17. be 18 next month. 
"I'm proud of you Logan. i am so sorry you couldn't help me like you wanted to. had to wait until i was almost dead." i stopped talking and saw he was looking down at his desk, avoiding my look. i got up to leave. stopping at his door before leaving and looked at him "Logan. can i tell you something. Something i have kept inside of me for a very long time?"
His head lifted up raising his eye brow at me. i held the door open a little, placing it between my hands and stared at the man that Logan has become. 
"I love you Logan. the days and nights i have always thought of being with you but i couldnt ever get myself to admit it. Then i saw you with girls left and right and thought you never really liked me. It's the reason i went to Jason. i was lonely and hurting to look at you made my heart break even more. So i stayed with Jason even though i was his sex slave, doing everything he ever asked of me." the tears in both our eyes was enough to fill a pool. i looked down at the floor then up at him again, fleeing from his office, i saw Cassie walking towards the office but i ran up to the bedroom i was staying in and shut the door, falling onto the bed and crying, why did i even tell him that? he could never love me now......

© 2010 Misty Blue Eyes

My Review

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Excellent chapter, It keeps getting better and better!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I agree with Dark Angel that it IS moving way too fast; but you have like a zillion chapters after this one for me to read so yeah...i don't know. some awesome dramatic things have to happen in order for you to have that many chapters after them saying they love each other so early. i guess i'll find out.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Kinda soap opra ish and moving too fast. I don't think she should have told him how she felt so soon, and vise versa. Normally, the love has time to grow and then they know for sure before they tell each other. And since she is a victim of abuse, she wouldn't really know what love was since Jason only showed her love in an abusive way. I think you should research on battered women. It's not as simple as you think... Other than that, I do like how your words made me feel like I was feeling what she was feeling. Oh, "colone" is spelled "cologne."

Posted 13 Years Ago

Good write, you can feel the emotions. I like it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like her internal battle to grasp real life. Fear is a powerful master. Can blind us from seeing the good in front of us. A very strong chapter. I hope she press charges. A very good chapter. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on October 19, 2010
Last Updated on December 22, 2010


Misty Blue Eyes
Misty Blue Eyes

denver, CO

I have a book called Caged and im working on it every day maybe one day i can get it published Googleskins.net - Cool Google Skins I write likeAnnie RiceI Write Like by Mémoires, jou.. more..

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes

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A Chapter by Misty Blue Eyes