If your favorite flower is the rose
Do you not then liken yourself to a rose
Is not your beauty equal to that of the rose
Behold I stand perfect beauty
A white rose among the thorns
Behold I stand for you to see
A perfect beauty inside of me
If mine favorite flower is the orchid
Do I not then liken myself to the orchid
Is not my beauty equal to that of the orchid
Behold I stand handsome beauty
A black orchid among twisted roots
Behold you stand for me to see
A handsome beauty inside of you
A single petal of the rose so delicate of it self
A single petal of the rose so flawless of it self
Delicate beauty equaled only by delicate perfection
Flawless beauty equaled only by flawless grace
A single petal of the orchid so sensual of it self
A single petal of the orchid so erotic of it self
Sensual beauty equaled only by sensual grace
Erotic beauty equaled only by erotic perfection
Where there is white rose there is you
Where there is black orchid there is me
White Rose Black Orchid You and I
Wherever you go there too will I be
Does not the rose equal your grace
Does not your beauty equal the rose
Does not the orchid equal my strength
Does not my strength equal the orchid
Doth not the white rose possess the black orchid
Can not they bee one can not they be the same
Doth not you have mine heart
As the white rose has you
Doth not I have your soul
As the black orchid has me
The orchid has fallen for the rose
Has fallen for the orchid
And in my field of white roses
You stand a sultry orchid black
If only to look if only to feel
If only to hold if only to love
A rose white is me this night
Take from me this rose white
This rose white this orchid black
Together as one we cant take back