Just A Thank You Note
A Poem by realmwriter
Thanx for the crumbs they taste great, they are a little green
though. Damn it I don't want crumbs, I don't want a piece of the pie, I
want the whole damn thing.
Thanx for the bone, I gnawed on it all
day, though I it was a bit green too. I'm sick of the bones, and I
don't want scraps from your self indulgent plate. I want the whole damn
Thanx for wasting my time. It took a while to do but I got
it done and it was good but you wasted it anyway. Now I think I will
Just burn it. I'm sure you wont mind, it's of no consequence to you.
don't understand, That was my foot in the door that just got slammed in
my face. Oh sure you'll use it on a secondary nature, tertiary at best.
No prominence there, I guess you don't think the for front is good
enough for the sounds you'll be making. Mine sounds are wailings.
for investing in me only to pull your offer back then wag it under my
nose like yer teasing a dog. Its nice to know you believe in what I do.
Its okay though, really, I can handle.another scar. They just add
But hey you gotta go with what's gonna work best for
Your bottom line to pad your pockets, screw the little Guy, He don't
need to catch a break even if he shows he can do it the hard way. It was
only my foot in the door but its okay, you didn't break it when you
slammed the door shut on my face.
Thanx for your crumbs and bones. They taste great.
Oct 14, 2010
Just a Thank You Note is public. It has been read 10 times.
(1974 - Present) If you wish to know more about me you have only to ask me directly. ... View profile
© 2011 realmwriter
Author's Note
Please ignore minor spelling and grammar issues, but feel free to critique my writing style and this piece.
Wow! What a strong statement, here! The metaphor at the beginning, leading the reader to believe a dog is the narrator, is a powerful one, in deed. I just love how this poem started off with a light air and then... Bam! A twist was shot through! Very interesting read! Thank you for sharing.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you for reading it. I am happy that you liked it. This, to me, would be prose poetry. It's not.. read moreThank you for reading it. I am happy that you liked it. This, to me, would be prose poetry. It's not really poetic verse but there are some metaphoric phrases tossed in for the salad.
1 Review
Added on May 19, 2011
Last Updated on May 19, 2011
realmwriterHarrison, AR
You know, I can write about almost any subject, in poetic form and even an ocasional short story, but I find it most difficult to write about myself.
I am an artist at heart and will use whatever m.. more..