Chapter Three-Both Lexi and Doctor's POV

Chapter Three-Both Lexi and Doctor's POV

A Chapter by Kimtomcat13

Chapter Three-Lexi’s POV

I slipped into my appartment building and sprinted up the stairs. As the door slammed behind me I slumped to the ground in shock, the previous night’s happenings sinking in. I had been quite taken with that man…alien. I normally would have never agreed to get into a strange phonebox with a strange man.

Where did you say parked?” I asked shivering and rubbing my arms through my thin jacket.

Right here.” He answered pulling a key out of his pocket. I looked where he had pointed and was now heading.

That’s a Phone Box. A blue Phone Box.” I stated in disbelif.

Yes, it is.” He said nodding and unlocking it.

You live in a Phone Box?”

Oh, but this is a very special Phone Box.”

He just looked so lonely with those big sad eyes and my curiousity was egging me on. I’d stepped inside and nearly fainted. So big… mechanical…so alien. My questions had bubbled up and he seemed more than happy to answer them. It might have been because he and I were both drunk, or maybe he was really that lonely, but what ever the reason we talk and talked, mostly about him. He told me the names of all of his friends he called “companions”, and described his previous lives, he called them “regenerations”. It was a fantisful story, but for some reason, other than I was totally wasted, I believed him, maybe it had something to do with his ship he called “The TARDIS” that I was sitting inside.

So you’re, what, inbetween sidekicks?” I asked after he had named all of his friends.

I and they prefer the title ‘Companions’. Much cooler.” He stated proudly, “I don’t really look for them, they sorta’ find me. But losing them hurts. I’m not sure I could bear to lose anyone else.”

I had nodded in understanding, but really I didn’t understand much of it. I guess a carer in musical theater doesn’t really prepare you for the mechanics of time travel.

I slumped on my bed and set my alarm for a 40 minute power nap before I needed to go to the theater. I was a sleep the second my head hit the pillow.


Chapter Three Continued-Doctor’s POV

I took my seat as the “please turn of your cell phones” speech was finishing and opened the brouchre still unsure why I was doing this to myself again. It was stupid to get attached to another stupid ape of a human, but after the way she had listened to my rambling last night I wanted to be there for her in return. At least that’s what I told myself, as my comon sense screamed at me to run away and not get overly involved in another teenage girl’s life.

The curtain opened and I smiled as I relised which musical I was to be witnessing. It was “Oliver!”. As far as annoying stories where people burst into song, this was one of the better ones. Especially since I’d met the author and nearly gotten killed. I settled down to watch.

As long as he needs me...
Oh, yes, he does need me...
In spite of what you see...
...I'm sure that he needs me.

He doesn't say the things he should.
He acts the way he thinks he should.
But all the same,
I'll play
This game
His way.

I grined as Lexi finished her solo. The lyrics echoing in my head. Why did they always come? I wondered. My life was a dangerous one and I’ve told them that, all of them. Still, maybe the reason they always came was because I asked. Did I really need someone that much? Enough to put them in that sort of danger? Was that why I was here tonight? To ask Lexi to come with me and ruin her life?

The curtain closed and as I filed out the exits I glanced back towards the group of people waiting for the actors and actresses to come out the back. I shook my head, my mind made up. I wouldn’t go see her. Why would she even want to me? I bet her family was all there to tell her how good she was, how talented. She didn’t need me, and I didn’t want her to need me. I turned and started walking away.


Chapter Three Continued (again)-Lexi’s POV

I quickly changed into jeans and a T-shirt and walked out the back door. I scanned the crowd of people waiting there looking for someone, anyone there for me. No one. I sighed. It’s not that I hadn’t told them all, my friends and family. They were just all too busy with work or getting drunk, like always. I slung my bag over my shoulder and started to walk towards my apartment building., when out of the corner of my eye I cought sight of a tall man dressed in a brown pinstiped suit turning the corner.

I ran as fast as I could in my bright purple converse shoes, that I had thrown on with my mysterious Doctor in mind, to catch up with him. I wasn’t going to lose him again.

“Doctor!” I called after his retreating figure. He stopped, but didn’t turn. I stopped a few feet away from him wondering why he didn’t look at me. “You came to see me?” I half asked, half stated smugly.

“Yes.” He still didn’t turn.

“Why? Don’t you have places to go, planets to save?”



He finally turned and looked at me with a frown. I expected him to tell me to go away, when he startled me by reaching foreward and grabbing my shoulders as if to steady himself. He looked broken and sad when his empty brown eyes found mine and he whispered.

“Come with me.”


As long as life is long...
I'll love him right or wrong,
And somehow, I'll be strong...
As long as he needs me.

If you are lonely
Then you will know...

When someone needs you,
You love them so.

-Notes: Song: As Long As He Needs Me From: The Musical “Oliver!”-

© 2009 Kimtomcat13

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Added on February 11, 2009




Hey, Here are some important things about me: 1) I read, like, 6 books a week. 2) When I write, I know how I want the story to end, but I have trouble getting there, be patient with me. please. .. more..
