![]() Chapter Two- Doctor's POVA Chapter by Kimtomcat13I awoke with the entire time vortex swirling around inside my head. NO, wait, false alarm. It was just the worst headache I’ve had since…well, actually, I’m not sure when. I forced myself up and out of bed and made my way slowly into the control room. In my mind I retrased what went wrong. It started out with a shopping trip. Donna had wandered away and endded up in an alternate universe, again. It had degressed rapidly from there. The Earth dissapeared, then Rose shows up (not that that’s a bad thing), then the Deleks. It was like a great big family reunion and just as horrable. For the first time in a long time things had gotten completely out of hand. Literally! A second me had actually sprung out of my hand! I shook my head to clear my mind. The earth was fine now. Donna was fine, sort of. Martha, Jack, Mickey, all fine. Rose, gone again, but fine. And then there was one. I sighed and powered up the TARDIS propelling us into the time vortex. Immedeatly, I was thrown backwards by the force of the motion. Finnaly, something familiar. That’s when I heard it. The sound that would change my life. As if that didn’t happen enough already. I heard a scream coming from the 3rd corridor to the right. I quickly landed in roughly about 1903 and ran towards the sound, my mind working over time. It all rushed back to me. I went to a pub last night. Idoit! That was the reason for my headache, and for the girl that was now screaming her head off in the next room over. Lexi. I threw open the door to find the bedside table flipped over with a pair of legs sticking out from underneth. I laughed. I knew that it wasn’t funny for her, but she looked rediculous. “Lexi?” I ask carefully. Did she even remember last night? Did know where she was, who I was? I hoped the answer was no, it would make things a lot easier. “You ok?” “Do I look ok?” replied the sarcastic female, “Help me out here!” I walked over and pulled her out of the reckage. Once she had been freed she looked at me for the first time scine I had entered the room. I saw her eyes widen in recognition. “Doctor.” She stated clamly. “Time traveling alien, right?” I nodded, braceing myself for the explosion. “Ok.” She said pulling herself up, “Just checking.” She seemed take such huge mind blowing information fairly calmly. Or so I thought. I think I blinked, because next thing a new she had run down the hallway and out the door. “Woah!!” I called after her, “I wouldn’t go out right now, it’s-” I flinched, as another scream peiced the air. I ran out the door and found Lexi curled up in a fetal possion pointing at a guy in a top hat. The poor guy was just about as scared as she was. I waved to the startled man and helped Lexi back inside. “Like I was trying to tell you, it’s 1903 outside.” I said quietly trying to calm her down. She glared at me. “Thanks, I noticed.” She said clearly not happy, “So what, you pick girls up at a bar with your “I’m sooooo depressed” act, invite them into your stupid blue, space defying telephone box, then kiddnap them and take them to the past?” Maybe it's just me “What-no!” I said in defense, “This has only happen once, twice at the most, before. The other two were accidents. This one was just…..a mistake. I’ll take you home. I promise.” She nodded, calming down. “You better!” she warned, “What time is it…if I miss my performance…I’ll murder you!” “Time Traveler…” I reminded her with a smirk. Didn't you want to hear “Right, well, it’s been fun.” I said holding the door open for her, “Nice meeting you Lexi Burke.” She stared at me. “What?” I asked incerdulously, “It’s rude to stare.” “I’m sorry,” She said, then blushed red as a rose, not to be confused with red as a Rose, “It’s just….what exactly happened last night?” “Oh!” I exclaimed feeling the heat of a blush coming to my own freakled cheeks, “Nothing, nothing. We talked, that’s all. I promise.” “Good,” the relief evident in her voice, “It’s just I remembered us talking, and right when you started talking about your friend, the one with the name of a flower-” “Rose.” “Yes, beautiful name by the way, but anyways, after that I don’t remember anything until this morning.” “Uhhhh, that would be because you passed out. I carried you to a spare bedroom, used to be Rose’s by the way, and crashed in my room. Next thing you know, here we are! Besides, we’re defferent spieces. There’s probably laws against it.” “Oh, sorry,” She apologized again, then breaking into grin, “I’ll just be going, got a show to do.” “Oi!” I exclaimed suddenly feeling silly, “I almost forgot to ask, what is this big show then?” Her smile widened, “Its just a musical produced by my nieghborhood. Got a solo though!” “Well! Good job! What’s that saying….ah! Break a leg!” Funny little saying really. I mean, why would someone purposely want to break their leg. Right before show no less! I mean really! “Thank you. Be seeing you.” What? Oh, right. “Bye!” I wished her cheerfully and closed the door of the little blue box I called home. And another thing…that whole, “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” thing. Who gives a horse with a oral problem as a gift!? Who would want that!?
“Excuse me?” I said tapping a guy on a cell phone. “What?” he said, obviously upset that I was interupting his phone call. “Do you know where the musical is?” I asked. He pointed down the street. Pleasant guy. Not! “Thank you! Have a nice day!” I sauntered slowly down the I walked I shoved my hands in my pockets and started rolling my sonic screwdriver between my fingers. It would just be quick trip. She wouldn’t even know I showed up. I just felt like after ruining her evening the least I could do was support her in her big debut. Still, maybe I should pop in on her after the show and let her know I was there. But, then I’ll seem clingly. Which in theory was true. I was just really lonely. I sighed, flashed my pysic paper to the lady at the door, and walked inside the theater. I had to stop doing this to myself. -Notes: Song: Maybe By: Secondhand Serenade- - “Besides, we’re defferent spieces. There’s probably laws against it.”- Donna Noble in “The Doctor’s Daguhter ”- © 2009 Kimtomcat13 |
Added on February 11, 2009 Author![]() Kimtomcat13MIAboutHey, Here are some important things about me: 1) I read, like, 6 books a week. 2) When I write, I know how I want the story to end, but I have trouble getting there, be patient with me. please. .. more..Writing