What a lovely comforting tribute to your life mate, Larry! I hope she will be as touched by it,
or perhaps even a trifle more, than I was! Many men, BUT NOT ALL!, see the outside only, and
flee when that becomes marred; their fear of knowing a woman wholly is based on their fear
of knowing themselves! But MOST men, I firmly believe, love that which lies beneath the skin
far more, the Gift she has willingly given us, more than the paper it was wrapped in, continues
to warm us decades after the wrappings have hit the fire!
This is real love, seeing the real person; seeing the outside - understanding, accepting that what's hidden is what matters .. Looks alter over time, but the instrinsic worth is what makes a man or woman glow. Your lady clearly glows.
A beautiful tribute .. 'Lay down your sweet head, Tell me all your fears, There's nothing too great a surprise.' - exquisite.
Now that is a poem of note and merit. Even the rhyme and flow was great. It takes a lot to get into my favorites. You've succeeded. Kudos and bravo and I hope you let the mrs. read it. If you haven't read it yet, you should check out "...and though...". I think you'll find a connection. ;)
What a lovely comforting tribute to your life mate, Larry! I hope she will be as touched by it,
or perhaps even a trifle more, than I was! Many men, BUT NOT ALL!, see the outside only, and
flee when that becomes marred; their fear of knowing a woman wholly is based on their fear
of knowing themselves! But MOST men, I firmly believe, love that which lies beneath the skin
far more, the Gift she has willingly given us, more than the paper it was wrapped in, continues
to warm us decades after the wrappings have hit the fire!
Some time ago, I decided to write a humorous short story to give my wife on our 25th anniversary. The words and illustrations seemed to flow from my memory and imagination, about those early days w.. more..