A Maplestory Cosplay: Malixion's Tale

A Maplestory Cosplay: Malixion's Tale

A Story by MapleScholar

An Ice/Lightning magician starts her adventure


Countless times, I ask up towards heaven wondering the same question: "Why me?”,  A bitter breeze blowing across an already jaded heart comes the only reply.





            They say time heals all wounds, but does that include mortal traumas to the fragile heart? We are taught to forgive and press on, grudges and memories both dissolving into oblivion. Yet for some, the scars brought forth by fate's cruel handiwork never truly fade away. They remain hidden buried deep from prying eyes behind a single painted innocent smile. With every nostalgic moment corroding jealousy's binding shackles, until a day when that single supporting chain finally snaps in twain.

            When malevolence finally awakens from imprisonment, what is one suppose to do with such a strong motivating vigor? Become the selfless sacrificial lamb stopping one's own life in exchange for ending a painful Greek tragedy, or continue living a cursed existence as a mere puppet’s role with little hope of ever achieving purifying redemption?

            For one individual, that choice is hastily approaching. In the stormy winter regions of ElNath where glistening ice crystals in the wind share a tranquil beauty beneath a cruel malevolence.



Chapter 1: Into the Twilight


It was 5:00 in the morning when her alarm clock's chirping arousing its sleeper from their reverie. Malixion sat up from her bed still groggy and silenced the wakeup call.

            “I'm scheduled to work a double shift today. Yet another sunless day and sleepless night ahead for me" she muttered to herself.

            Called mostly "Xion" by her coworkers and relatives, she was slightly below average height, with charcoal colored hair bobbed just above her ears. When lacking any sign of sleep deprivation, the youth's eyes would be a vivid shade of azure, contrasting the facial pallor caused by lack of sun exposure.

            Sunlight was at a premium being born and raised within the snowy regions of Ossyria, at the base of the ElNath Mountains. Even in mid summer, typical daylight would only last for a mere 6 hours before sinking beneath the polar horizon; welcoming the arctic night air. Yet still, residents in the central town of ElNath were able to adapt accordingly and still went about their casual lives while still extending warm hospitable gestures to travelers who regularly ventured through the area.

            Xion contributed to this culture by waiting tables at the town's tavern to make ends meet. Growing up, her dream was to become a renowned researcher uncovering lost fables, tales, and lore. Granted, waiting tables was not her ideal choice of a career but, it was the only opportunity available that would let her cover rent, utilities, and of course satisfy those accursed student loan creditors she thought could help her cut the apron strings.

            Upon turning the age of adulthood, she enrolled in Victoria Island's Ellinia Magic Academy to study legends following the great heroes while dabbing into rudimentary magic as an elective. The tranquility of becoming one with the world while harnessing the will of ethereal mana greatly intrigued the young student and gave her yet another field of study to excel at. Being natural exposed to the cold elements during childhood served most useful in invoking the arctic will of nature for potent ice spells.     

After a few years, Xion graduated from the academy as both a historian and an intermediate magician in ice magic. Applying her skills and talents proved to be a challenge more gruesome than final examinations.

            Even after all this educational training, all this time and effort studying, and financial risk in obtaining her graduation degree, Xion still was unable to find any employer who would hire such a fresh novice at a salary capable of wiping away her debt.

            Feeling exhausted and defeated, the former student returned back home and continued working at the tavern as if nothing had happened in between the years spent on sabbatical. For now, all that could be done was to keep the mesos coming in, hoping of ever escaping this occurring debt.

            It was now 5:15.

            Xion donned her server's apron, slipped on her black coat over the top of the uniform, and stepped into the dark bitter twilight air.



Chapter 2: "Waiting" for a Miracle


            "Beefy! 2 Cheeseburgers...2 Fries...HOW...LONG?"

Xion leaned against the stainless steel counter, teeth clenched into a snarl. Her source of anger was aimed at the dark skinned cook behind the line separating the two of them.

            Chef Beefy finally looked up from the grilled cheese sandwich he was slicing, and wiped his hands on an apron and showed them, "I said 10 minutes! Give me a sec."

            "You said that over half an hour ago!"

            "These things take time you know, the elegant dance of a world class chef and his trusty grill must be in perfect sync for the best culinary treat to be born."

            "Yes, I can see your grill from behind the line. Problem is, there's NOTHING ON IT!"

            Beefy waved Xion off dismissively and turned to a pan of vegetables he was stir frying. A female coworker leaning up against the bar nearby finally broke away from their self manicures long enough for one of them to give her a smirk. "Patrons giving you hassle, again?"

            "Please don't start with me, Sarah... We all know Saturday nights are when we have the most problematic customers. It's our all night happy hour."

            The young adult held up her hands without dropping her hot pink-colored nail file.        

            "Hey, I know better than to mess with a ticked off magician. Remember what happened last month when Hunter fired that Archmage for 3 consecutive no-call, no-shows? Good thing you showed up early that day to freeze his office that strangely caught fire."

            She added a wink afterward; Xion casually rolled her eyes in reply.

            "Magic users are still subjected to use their powers of intellect only to help, not to hurt. I imagine that individual is now facing an inquiry with the Magicians Association. Anyway, need to tell table 12 their order will be just a little while longer. Please excuse me,"

            Xion took one more deep breath before pushing the double doors that lead into the main dining room.


            Working at the town tavern had its ups & downs, you get to see when your neighbors were at their best and often at their worst. One minute, a family could be celebrating a cheery traditional get-together and the next it could be an all out alcohol-fueled brawl. The only difference was how big of a mess she was expected to clean up afterwards. 

            Xion made her way to the back of the seating area where table 12 was located. Four men of different height were laughing loudly as she approached closer to the rowdy quartet. One of them finally caught eye of Xion and pointed her out to everyone gathered around. Four pairs of red, unfocused, bloodshot eyes all turned to their visitor.  

            "Well well, here comes our little moppet now."

            "Did you miss me already?"

            "Where's the food?"

            "Can I get yet another pint?"

            Xion cringed out a smile at the clearly inebriated group and applied her best sickly sweet voice.

            "So terribly sorry for the inconvenience, your order will be just a few minutes longer."

            Angry grunts of disgust erupted from the diners.     

            "Who the HELL runs this place?!" One of the customers roared.

            She had to curb the angry mob somehow before resorting to self-defensive measures.

            "Yes, of course. I'll go check on your order again. Is there anything else I cou-.."    An empty tankard slammed on the table right next to her before the sentence was finished.

            "Yes, you can. Fill'er up, moppet!" One of the patrons bellowed.

            The table erupted into maniacal laughter.

            "Certainly, just one moment please." She halfheartedly smiled in reply.

            Xion glided away from the table with the glasses just in time before an unforeseen hand could grab her backside.

            As if you lot need any more to drink. She sighed, turning back to the double doors leading back inside the kitchen; ducking once to avoid an empty mug being hurled at her head followed by cheers and applause from afar as it shattered on a distant wall. 


            Once safely back inside, she made her way towards the bar facing opposite of where Chef Beefy was still slowly assembling meal orders; whistling all the while. Before filling up even one of the glasses, Sara tapped Xion's shoulder.

            "I got that, Hunter needs to talk with you."

            Xion cringed.

            Hunter was the general manager in charge of running the tavern, albeit by never leaving from the comfort of his own office located right next to the tavern's front entrance.

            After passing the tumblers to her messenger, Xion made her way to see what her boss wanted. Drawing closer to the door, an opening in the door revealed he was sitting behind his desk scanning over what appeared to be an invoice. His eyes looked up from the document when Xion knocked on the doorjamb.

            "You wanted to see me, sir?" she asked sheepishly.

            "Ah, Ms. Malixion," He sighed rubbing his forehead while tucking the flyer away. He motioned with his hand for her to come close to the desk. "What's going on in the kitchen?"

            Hunter's question seemed rather vague for needing a private conversation. Xion pondered to herself with a quizzical look before answering in an equally vague manner.

            "Nothing too out of the ordinary, why do you ask?"

            "I've been hearing some complaints from others about you yelling out at our chef."

            "Oh, that... I was merely trying to get a straight answer from him regarding the progress on an order."

            "Why not leave that sort of business to one of your coworkers? Your teammates are there to help you. Don't be afraid to ask."

            Xion’s quizzical expression slowly began to harden.

            "I would be more than happy to do so. Assuming they are actually working rather than talking on their phones or treating the kitchen as if it were a nail salon. Heaven forbid by disturbance causes one of them to chip a cuticle while on the clock."

            "The proper place for servers is out in the dining room, not cowering in the kitchen. I will have a talk about phone use but you need to remain out in the dining room as much as possible."

            "Even if it means the risk of being bullied, harassed or groped by a roomful of drunkards?" Her words hardening into a rapier thrust towards the supervisor.

            "So? Those drunkards are also our paying customers," Hunter's voice darkened "and the reason why YOU still have a job!"

            You sure it's not because my magic is saving you thousands of meso on a new ice machine? Xion retorted silently to herself, biting a lip to keep from saying the thought out loud.  "Yes, you are right," She exhaled submissively knowing nothing said would ever get through.

Her boss' eyes still honed in on the youth from across the desk, accented with a chiseled scowl.

            "It better not, Chef Beefy's cuisine is renowned all around Ossyria. He will be working at the tavern more often from now on hopefully turning this place into a hotspot for travelers. His presence deserves the best reception from both patrons and wait staff alike."

            "So it will be, starting now." Xion calmly answered.

            She turned for the door, but Hunter's commanding voice stopped her hand rested on the doorknob.

            "Oh, and one more thing. Three people have already called in for tomorrow evening. Will you be willing to come in on your day off and cover for them?"

            While still facing the door, Xion’s face scrunched into an ugly snarl before returning to normal and pleasantly responding with an exaggerated smile.

            "Yes, of course. Whatever would help the team."


            So the shift went on for a few more hours into the night, albeit in a sluggish crawl. When the last patron finally stumbled out the front door, Chef Beefy shut the kitchen down while the wait staff began bussing the dining room tables.

            By this time, night had set upon the town. Inside the tavern, candles resting on top of a few standing tables provided the only source of light for the workers still clearing down the establishment. Xion worked away sweeping the floor while the rest of her more energetic coworkers went about table to table collecting dirty plates and carrying them in small tubs to be washed back inside the kitchen; as is atypical, everyone doing more talking than working as they hustled in and out of the wooden swing doors leading into the kitchen.

            Xion started sweeping in one corner of the tavern and worked her away around the large dining room until her eyes caught a pile of crystalline matter near the base of a wall; gleaming in the candlelight. Earlier during service, she recalled having to duck from a tankard thrown at her and the sound of it shattering.

            Kneeling down in the dim light confirmed her suspicions, the waft of warm bitter ale exhuming from the remnants of a drinking glass. Xion stood up looking for the dust pan when an odd realization dawned upon her. She was the only one still in the tavern.

            “Where did everyone go? Our shift doesn’t end for another 30 minutes.” She retrieved the dust pan, passively dismissing the irritation of being abandoned.

            In a matter of minutes, the shards displaced around the area were swept up into a neat pile. Except now, one more complication arose; the mound of broken glass is bigger than the dust pan.

            Eyeing the pile, the largest piece still intact was the handle. She reached for the handle with her right hand, carefully gripped, and…

            The handle still wet with brew slipped through her fingers. Xion reacted and tried quickly to reestablish her hold on the half broken container and winced. A ray of white hot pain rend the flesh of her ring and middle fingers as they gashed across the tankards broken edge.

            Xion dropped the mug entirely and glared at her hand in agony. Blood started trickling from the cut spanning across her fingers, casting a droplet on the ground at her feet.

            She frantically searched around for something to mend the wound with. Finally, coming across a dark cloth napkin, she wrapped up the injured digits and cursed silently while apply pressure to the wounds.

“Of all the times I should have chosen the cleric advancement...”

            Looking back up, Xion could see in the faint gloom the silhouette of someone standing halfway across the dining room, and approaching closer. Once they came into range of a nearby candle, it was from her coworker Sara twirling her nail file.

            “Where is everyone?” Xion asked in between sharp gasps.

“Oh yeah, we all decided to go home early since Hunter did the same after speaking with you and Beefy had to split for a cooking demo at the Aqua Road Aquarium. I only came back because of this…” She held up her beloved bright pink nail file. “Are you alright?”

Xion shook her head, holding back tears from the pain.

Sara casually took a look at the lacerated hand and whistled.

            “Ouch, that sucks. Well, I hope your night goes better. Good night!”

With that, Sarah snuffed out the final tabletop candle and left through the tavern’s front doors. Plunging the room in complete darkness, leaving her wounded coworker all alone in the dark.

            Xion was still taken aback at the associate’s gross tactless reaction, just as Hunter’s words from earlier echoed in her mind.

            “Your teammates are always there to help you, don’t be afraid to ask…”

            If only he could see how pitifully ineffective such words were.


Chapter 3: Sanctuary for a Troubled Mind


A few days later…


Whether we choose to admit it or not, every individual has a certain activity or a particular location we can rely on as a way of unwinding from life’s rigorous ordeals. Some call it a hobby, other’s simply refer it as a vacation. In some rare occasions for certain individuals, the two concepts are one and the same.

In Xion’s case, she enjoys spending her leisurely time at the local library delving into the various branches of magic. From alchemy to divination, hexes to runes, there was a certain solace her mind could only acquire when studying magic. After all, wasn’t this her former dream back as a student?

For once, there was someone who could see her as an honest, living, breathing, thinking human and not a stoic workhorse for selfishly burdening ones responsibilities upon.

The library was a short walk away from her house in ElNath, coincidentally in the opposite direction of the tavern where she worked. After what had recently occurred at work, the last place Xion wanted to go was anywhere even remotely facing the tavern.

Her fingers still remained bandaged even though the blood had fully clotted only yesterday, but the more mental trauma had yet to remedy as quickly.

The morning after suffering the gash, she was summoned to Hunter’s office. After appraising her injury, Hunter went into a lengthy monologue about proper cleaning procedures and protocol relating to after-hour work place accidents. Not once did he ever mention the fault of the other wait staff for leaving early nor failing to assist with providing medical attention.

“He too wasn’t within a 10 mile radius to be my dawn warrior in shining armor, should I have ever expected any sympathy from him to begin with?” Xion silently muttered in her thoughts.


In less than a 15 minute stroll, she reached the tall oak doors covering the entrance to her destination. Gingerly placing her injured hand on the cold copper knob, Xion gave the mechanism a slight twist of the wrist and stepped forward through the threshold.

Inside, the warm inviting atmosphere sharply contrasted the harsh wintery environment swirling outdoors. The air smelled of fresh paper, ink, and a bittersweet hint of coffee wafting from a refreshment station off to the side of the lobby. A grand marble staircase led up to the curved second floor balcony; supported by four gigantic pillars accented with gold rings at the base. On both floors, shelves aligning the parameter held books of every subject imaginable arranged in small alcoves each surrounding a large varnished table where patrons can indulge in their reading material. A few rows of bookshelves designated for reference material were arranged parallel to the reception desk facing the front door.

Behind the reception desk sat a woman in her late twenties with long auburn hair, thick round glasses, reading a book titled, The Mysteries of Masteria. The name “Gina” engraved on a golden Library Volunteer badge pinned to her bosom gleamed from the morning sunlight let in through the front door.

 The receptionist looked up from her tome and smiled.

            “Good morning, Malixion! My goodness, what happened to your hand?”

            Gina stood, her eyes still fixated on the visitors wound.

            “Oh this? Just a little workplace accident. I’ll live,” Xion chortled, hiding the bandaged appendage behind her back while closing the door behind her.

            Gina shook her head lips puckered, meeting Xion halfway across the foyer.

            “Poor dearie, if you need a new bandage or help getting a book down let me know. Some of these older compendiums are notorious for already having blood dripped pages, the last thing I want is for you to get a nasty infection from a paper cut.”

            For what felt like the first time in forever, Xion gave a sincere smile to the caring woman before her.

“Thank you so much for your kindness, if there is anything I need you will be the first to know.”

            Xion turned her head to the giant bulletin board standing in the center of the library just behind Gina’s reception desk. The entire surface was nearly covered with small colorful paper squares tacked onto the board. “How is the forum these days?” Nodding her head at the board.

            Gina’s eyes rolled back in response. “A dreadful mess I’m afraid. So many inquires of those seeking rudimentary knowledge, mixed with snarky comments about ministry politics, and touched off with help wanted ads requesting explorers in the Dead Mines. We really need some form of organization or a correspondence at the very least.” Gina finished with a sigh, fingertips massaging her brow.

            “Don’t worry, I usually answer a lot of the postings when visiting. Besides, rather difficult to get a bloody paper cut holding a quill pen,” gesturing to her bandaged hand.

            They both gave a hearty chortle.

            Gina returned to her desk as Xion approached the giant posting board cluttered with slips. She quickly scanned through the mess, systematically searching for posts containing questions from other magicians she knew the answers to.

After taking a good handful of them off the board, Xion sat down at one of the tables and started replying to each individual inquiry. Each topic unique from the last, subjects relating to correct spell incantations, medicinal properties of alchemy ingredients, Mapleworld zoology, and even one wondering how long a magician’s wand can be before it can be called a staff.

Hours seemed to tick on by as replies steadily flowed from her pen; occasionally stopping when collecting a book (with Gina persistent offers to help retrieve) or double-checking a formula. Finally when dusk had settled, she collected the answered notes and pinned them on the forum board’s backside designated only for replied postings. Xion had started towards the front door when a small leaflet marked with elegant cursive writing stuck on one of the giant marble pillars caught her eye:


The Magician’s Association is seeking interns for our library volunteer program!


Those selected chosen will be training in the workings of our patrons as well as learn how to handle forum moderation and be tested on their abilities in the field of magic. Once a trial period is completed successfully, we will make the decision to convert worthy participants into full time volunteers. We hope to quickly find suitable candidates for us in the long-haul, so please submit an application along with your relevant credentials to the front desk by the end of library hours next week.




Mage Instructor Roberta 


Gears whirled away within Malixion’s mind at an accelerated pace, pondering this new opportunity. It was a dream too good to be true; working in a place you call a second home, in a major she dedicated half her life into studying.

Gina could see Xion reading the slip and mouthed a silent “go for it” from behind her desk with a wink afterwards. The starry-eyed youth walked out the door with an application in hand. To others, the slip looked like an ordinary piece of paper, but she treated the flier as holding a golden key; one that could potentially free her from an abusive prison masqueraded as a kitchen.



Chapter 4: Reaching for a Shooting Star


The response to the position came sooner than expected. A week after turning in along with a short list of her educational background, Malixion found a scarlet letter in her mailbox written in elegant cursive writing:


Dear Ms. Malixion:


I am pleased to congratulate you on being selected as an intern for our upcoming Magician’s Association library volunteer program. Through this unique career opportunity, fellow magic users who wish to give back to the magician community are empowered to do so.


We have spent the last several weeks rigorously reviewing all entries, and your application stood out based on criteria that we believe to be important to our community such as overall helpfulness forum activity, and/or prior experience in the study of magic.


You are in for a one month training session with our senior volunteer staff and fellow Magician Association magistrates learning and being tested on your overall development. After 30 days, each individual will be evaluated with the possible consideration of being promoted to a full-time library volunteer.


I wish you only the best of luck while undergoing this trial period.




Mage Instructor Roberta


And so the trial soon began. After yet another brutal meal service at the tavern, Xion entered the library to find the tables were moved beyond Gina’s reception desk all facing the forum board. Before the board hovered a tall women with vibrant scarlet locks flowing over an olive colored robe. She turned upon hearing Xion’s footsteps approaching.

            “Good evening, you must be Malixion? My name is Roberta.” Roberta cooed in almost a silent murmur.

            “Yes, I am. Thank you very much for offering this opportunity.”

            “Quite alright. I was rather impressed on your overall credentials; someone I know also graduated from Ellinia’s Magic Academy. Grendal the Really Old’s curriculum could use a bit more rigid coursework, but the education does a splendid job of covering the basic principles in magic. But, that is neither here nor there. While we are waiting for others to arrive, would you kindly take the time to view the materials and see how you will be graded throughout this experience?”

            Xion nodded, trying in vain to ease her giddiness.


As more a few more volunteers entered the library Roberta waved her hand to a nearby table and a small pink flyer along with several ink wells appeared on top of it. Sitting down at one of the tables facing the forum board, Xion glanced at the leaflet while Roberta made her way to the front before the posting board and spoke to all.


“Thank you all for coming. I would to first welcome everyone coming from various regions of Maple World to help in opening our first ever Magician’s Association Internship Program. This program is a unique learning experience for those who wish to become more actively involved in the magician community. Those who show potential upon overcoming these ordeals will be granted the opportunity to graduate into full time volunteers working alongside the Ministry.”      

Roberta stepped aside revealing the disorganized postings populating the entire board’s surface. Based upon the note read beforehand, Xion noted her objective was to answer the posts, and organize them by category. All the while, magistrates will be testing her knowledge on magic in general through ad-lib inquisitions. The first bit she was well accustomed to and leap at the first chance to get involved in, the pop quizzes, not so much…

            While answering a post asking about wildlife found along Aqua Road, an individual holding a clipboard tapped Xion on the shoulder.

            “Excuse me, do you happen to know anything about using sage and rosemary plants and how it relates to herbalism?”

            Xion had to think for a moment.

            “Most certainly! Sage leaves have a much more rugged carbon based structure making them more suitable in seeping potent life rejuvenating potions. Rosemary grows primarily in heavily mana enriched soils, making them more adequate for brewing MP related tinctures.”

            “Ah, yes of course. Thank you” the magistrate replied with a nod turning to walk away while jotting on their clipboard. Xion breathed a sigh of relief for luckily knowing the answer right off the top of her head; recalling how often brewing sage tea help relaxed her aches after working morning shifts back at the tavern.


            Hours later, another magistrate approached her table just as her pen lifted off of a posting.

            “Clearly state the incantation for mending blade lacerations one would encounter on a battlefield.”

Xion was clearly dumbstruck. “Uh…”

     "Uh oh… ya’ really should have chosen the cleric branch." Malixion grimaced to herself. “Well, for those without magical abilities one must first encourage clotting by applying pressure to the wound using a sterile cloth before resorting to further first aid measures.”

            Xion ended with an innocent grin.

            The magistrate’s lips puckered into scowl and walked away with a morbid grunt, scribbling away on their clipboard. Clearly not satisfied with the answer.

            Xion sighed and glanced down at the scar marked across her fingertips. The unpleasant memory flowing back to her, when she needed that information the most. No, when she needed anyone the most; only to see them all walk away without a passive thought and Hunter arrogantly chiding off any moral responsibility.

Her scared hand balled into a fist, bringing her back to the present. From then on, she started writing with more vigor. Each scratch made from her pen became a deadly dagger streak instigating her resolve in giving everything to this program. Her teeth clinched into a furious snarl as thoughts flipped between the next post’s topic and that fateful night back at the tavern when that brand originated. Every fiber of Xion’s being yearned never to step inside that horrible place ever again.

“You really need to be more relaxed and casual,” came a dark voice looming before her.

Xion squealed in surprise, sending her quill pen flying across the table. Everyone at the library turned in her direction curiously.

Blushing from embarrassment, Xion reached for another quill and glanced up to see a dark skinned woman leering down at her with dark auburn almond shaped eyes. Her hair tied up in a bun held secured with small femur bones and sprouting a large, flesh pink hibiscus. Around her neck was a string of various ornamental seashells, teeth, and smaller pressed flowers. The floral ornaments all filled the very air around her with a warm tropical breeze gracing the ocean’s shores.

“I’m sorry, really didn’t mean to scare you so badly. Your soul looked so tormented and perhaps needed a little clarity.”

“It’s alright, just lost myself in thought there for a second. Thank you, err…”

“My name is Miami, from Florina Beach. I’m studying to become a witch doctor but this cold air is really making it difficult to communicate with Mother Earth.” Miami padded the hibiscus in her hair.

“Don’t worry, you’ll adjust to it. Thank you, though for the pep talk.” Xion sheepishly smiled back in reply.

Miami smiled with a nod, walking away from Xion’s table and towards the bulletin board. Xion closed her eyes and tried to relax her mind, washing away everything related to the tavern and Hunter. During her metal exercise, she could overhear a two of the overseeing magistrates carrying clipboards both in heavy conversation.

            “Man, that is one island attraction I would mind visiting frequently…”

            “Oh, will you stop gawking at her and focus,” a furious woman elbowed her swooning coworker.

            “Why, you jealous?”

“As if! We have a responsibility here of mentoring these individuals, and this is not the proper time to be drooling over every women you come across on a business trip.”

“Hey, I can’t help if there is someone from a more exotic clime than this frostbitten Popsicle stand. Besides, still can’t beat my hometown. The weather is always nice back in Scania, you should really come on by the next chance you get.”

            The other magistrate responded with a heavy dismissive sigh shaking her head and making notes on her clipboard.


Time seemed to fly on by with every posting Xion answered. Soon enough dusk had settled upon the program’s final hour. Roberta gracefully glided towards the forum board, whispered a spell amplifying her voice, and spoke aloud to everyone.

            “At this time the library will be closing momentarily, I ask that you please wrap up the last posting you are working on. Thank you all very much for all the hard work and effort you put into this project. We will begin evaluating you individually and determine who will graduate as fully developed volunteers.”


Walking home that very night, Xion squinted a little further in the sky. In between the dark snow cloud patches, a small glimmer from a shooting star sauntered amongst the gloom. Reflecting back upon an old childhood mantra, she quietly smiled and made a wish before retiring to her house for the evening.


“Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight…

I wish I may, I wish I might…

Have this wish, I wish tonight…”



Chapter 5: A Cruel Judgment


The very next day…


Having to work the morning shift back at the tavern was often taxing on her stamina, but the awaiting results from the internship kept her anxiously awaiting. Once her shift was over at the tavern, Xion immediately sprinted out the door making a beeline for the library. Every step in her sprint trembled with uncertainty, yet an underlying excitement of possibly starting a new chapter of a new career.


Gina looked up from her usual book behind the reception desk and gave what amounted to be a feeble grin.

            “Good morning Gina, just wanted to swing by here after work and see if the magician community forum …

            “…has already been taken care of for today,” came a voice behind a towering stack of tomes moving closer to the reception desk. The clattering of footsteps came from a pair of gold lapis sandals preceding a shimmering canary dress from whomever carried the hefty load.  Slamming the musky grimoire downs on  Gina’s desk revealed the mysterious speaker to be Miami. Her golden bangles clattering as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “Is there something I can help you with?”

            Xion turned her attention with a quizzical glance. “No, it has been over a day now and have yet to hear back from the library’s internship program.”

            Gina gave a barely audible sigh as she took her leave carrying the stack previously held by Miami over to the reference area; leaving Miami and Xion alone in the lobby.

            “Oh, that… Roberta had sent everyone their evaluation in the mail this morning. Mine came along with this.”

            Miami tapped the familiar golden name badge identical in design to Gina’s.

Xion’s face grew pale upon seeing the trinket and bolted from the lobby, through the door, without even looking back. Hope and desperation thundered once more in her vigorous sprint back home.

            When her mailbox finally came within reach, Xion popped the lid open revealing not badge but rather a scarlet envelope with opalescent embroidery addressed from the Magicians Association. Her heart racing for answers, the stationary tore away revealing a square piece of crisp parchment marked with vaguely familiar cursive writing:


Dear Ms. Malixion,


Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you have put forth throughout the past month.


Though your work has been thorough and positive, your attitude isn't quite where it needs to be. In the end, it's the choice of the magistrate on who progresses and my choice to approve of their progression - and ultimately, you'd receive a resounding no there.


I do regret to officially inform you that you have not been chosen to move forward into the final stage of the hiring process. Though we really do appreciate you as a magician member overall, and we hope you will continue to remain active in the magic community for a long time to come.




                        Mage Instructor Roberta


            The small parchment finally slipped through her trembling fingers, landing in a snow bank at her feet. Tears slowly trickled from Malixion's eyes, freezing solid from the bitter cold’s exposure before rolling off her cheek. She buckled down to her knees, her heart and breath both racing...why?...why me?

            It was than the images flashed through her mind, of everyone laughing manically ...the drunkards who call her "moppet", her lazy depriving coworkers, the scar upon her fingers, that tyrannical boss Hunter, the witch doctor Miami admiring her new badge, and now even her mentor Roberta turning her back on a dedicated student... the rushing tide of agony she tried bottling up inside for years had finally broke through. The once shimmering golden key capable of springing her from a nightmare, had dissolved into worthless dust.


One final image passed through her thoughts before her vision refocused. It was back at the library, the two magistrates talking amongst themselves...

"The weather is always nice back in Scania... You should really come on by..."

...Scania. It wasn't much to go on, but at least it was a start to where she could find answers and hopefully...find closure while recollecting the fragments of a shattered dream.

            Malixion regained her composure and stared back down at that crumbled rejection letter still laying half buried in snow. In one swift motion, she retrieved the document, wadded it up into a ball, and used her magic to encase the letter in a ball of ice.

            Sparks flashed in her eyes as Xion stared one last time at what caused her so much angst. She hurled the man-made snowball as far as possible, pointed two fingers at the projectile and sent a bolt of lightning racing towards it. The crystalline sphere shattered into a myriad of icy pellets when the two forces finally caught up to each other.

            Xion gave a heavy sigh, the exercise wasn't quite satisfying to quell the agony but it was a start. Her brilliant azure eyes gazed up at the dark sunless sky just as the snow started to fall.

            "I will never find peace just idly remaining here. Not with a painful reminder of a dream born to die in vain from an arbitrary decision, while those magistrates still hold the answer behind my bitterness."

            Xion adjusted her cloak for warmth and started down toward a path leading away from ElNath; turning her back on both the tavern and the only place she could call a home.

            "Besides, I hear the weather is rather nice in Scania..."

© 2016 MapleScholar

Author's Note

please forgive grammar and mechanical errors,

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Added on August 18, 2016
Last Updated on September 6, 2016
Tags: Maplestory, Nexon, Cosplay, Mabinogi, MMO, MMORPG, Anime, Fantasy, Manga, RPG, Adventure, story



Chicago, IL

Growing up with Asperger's Syndrome and no friends around in your quiet tourist town would drive any individual to the brinks of hysteria and despair. Imagine, reading a book where the words disappear.. more..
