A Silver Haired Angel

A Silver Haired Angel

A Chapter by Scarefrow

In the midst of Hell, an Angel appears.


Allen arrived in Garrison in the early afternoon. He had not had much to drink in the previous days and was beginning to feel anxious. Garrison was a developing community and was not as bustling as New Vivian, it was more of a quaint family oriented place. The streets were made up of red brick and there were plenty of churches to go around. One for each denomination it seemed. Allen took in the sights and did enjoy it though mostly he searched for a tavern to spend the remainder of the afternoon in. No matter where he searched, there was none. He became frustrated and longed for a sip of whiskey. The sun began to set and Allen hung his head and rested on a bench that overlooked a large knoll where some children played. He began to daydream about his younger days when he and Abel would play in these sorts of areas. With these thoughts came even more desire to drink. The sun then disappeared behind the small hill and the sky grew dark. He had drifted to sleep and began to have dreamless sleep. His head throbbed and his heart raced and soon his body became cold and shivers dominated. Suddenly a hand touched his shoulder and woke him. Out of pure instinct he grabbed the hand and pulled it in while grabbing a small knife that he had with him. Soon he shook off his instincts when he looked into the eyes of the stranger. It was a woman, with razor sharp eyes that looked as though a storm was raging upon the sea. Her lashes were long and her face looked soft and gentle. The lids of her eyes are made up with a strange light purple cosmetic that Allen had never seen on a woman, with lips painted to match. He then released her and threw the knife to the ground. She stood tall and straight and straightened her dress and it was then he noticed how long her hair was and was the color of silver, though she looked no older than he. He felt mesmerized by her presence but also felt a twinge of darkness surrounding her. 

“Beg your pardon ma’am. You startled me is all.”

“No no! Please I should not have disturbed you. I was simply ensuring myself that you were not...dead”

“Well, not yet!”

“I certainly hope not any time soon.”

The two shared a bit of laughter as Allen rose to his feet and took a look around him. The night was now shrouded around the town and only small lanterns lit the roads. 

“Is there something I can help you with?” 

Allen seemed surprised to hear a young woman offering her help to a strange man. He looked at her and stared into her eyes again, feeling somewhat lost in them. After a moment he snapped and remembered why he came.

“I’m looking for...:” Allen fights off the temptation to say whiskey.

“447 Hampton Road. Is it close by?”

“I am familiar with Hampton. I can lead you if you wouldn’t mind having my company.”

“I am certain there is worse.”

The woman gives him a devilish smile and walks ahead.

“This way.” 

Allen in his sudden trance followed closely. He caught a hint of perfume coming from her and took it in hoping to not have her notice. 

“May I ask your name?” She asked casually.

“Allen. Allen Slade. And yours?”

“Genevieve. Genevieve Gi… Gi-lette.”

“You seem unsure of yourself.”

“Well Allen, one can never be too sure. You never know what’s lurking about.”

“Let’s just say I have some experience with things that lurk in the dark .”

“Are you a hunter Allen?”

“No, unfortunately. Not yet anyway. Forgive me for saying… but there is something about you… I’ve never sensed in someone before. It’s… intriguing and It is… refreshing.”

“Some say that I have a vintage soul. Some say I lack one.” She smiles playfully.

“Whatever it is, your husband must feel as the luckiest man on earth.”

“Pardon? No no no. That’s not for me. Not anymore. Ah here we are! 447 Hampton Road. Shall we step inside Master Slade?”

Allen looked at Genevieve in pleasant surprise. She opened the door gracefully and walked in. He followed her cautiously yet he was eager to hear what she had to say. She lit some kerosene lamps and made herself comfortable. 

“Sit anywhere.” She said as she went into another room.

Allen looked for a moment and noticed there weren't any chairs or couches. Only a soft red rug near a fireplace. Allen figured that even if it wasn’t too cold inside, that he should build a fire for his host. When he looked around there was no sign of kindling or firewood. So he sat on the rug and bided his time until Genevieve returned. After a few minutes she returned, wearing a scarlet evening gown, free of the cosmetics and her hair undone from the braid. Somehow she was even more stunning to Allen though he kept his composure. In her hand she had a bottle of wine and two glasses. She sat across from Allen and uncorked the bottle and then poured the wine into the glasses and took in the aroma. Allen resisted the temptation to drink the whole bottle, and only took a swift drink. She looked at him as if she could sense his feelings.

“You must forgive me Allen. I don’t entertain much.”

“No need to. That’s you. We’re not so different in that realm.”

“I suppose.”

“I must ask, before we go further… how did you know about… my past situation.”

“You would be surprised at how fast word gets around the underworld.”

“So what now? What secrets will you share?”

“Not all of them, Allen.”

The two share some quick laughter before they become silent. Allen looks into her eyes and studies them for a few moments. He admits to himself that he finds her beautiful. 

“I must know, Allen. Are you willing to take this life on?”

“Why do you ask in such a manner?”

“This life… of a hunter… let me first say that I am not necessarily one, but I have vast knowledge of their workings and… you have to be strong enough to endure certain realities. Your life must exist in the dark and you will see things that will be… unpleasant. A life of exterminating undead creatures, will cause the darkness inside to expand. You may find yourself becoming cruel. You must keep your humanity and I feel that you have something that is dragging you along at this time. Is that true?”

Allen looked at his glass and frowned. He then lifted the glass and drank it all. 

“My life is no secret Genevieve. Only a mystery. I will do what it takes to rid the world of these unholy atrocities, poisoning our existence.”

“Then you need to rid what is poisoning you. We’ll finish the bottle tonight and then I will give you three days.”

“Three days for…?”

“To sober yourself.”

He looked at her with a glare of both unusual anger and a sense of confusion. He looked into his empty glass and gave a sigh.

“I know it’s not easy but neither is the life of a hunter. This is one burden you shouldn’t carry into it.”

“I understand. I suppose… I shall not regret it. Then we should dispose of this wine.”

“No. We’ll finish the bottle and then... “

“Sounds good.”

“And I do enjoy the company. It’s been too long.”

The two sat and conversated into the night. They laughed like old friends and learned things about each other’s life. They spoke about the incident with Allen’s parents and his struggles since. Though Genevieve did not speak much of her past, she did mention that she was only left with a brother whom she said lived far away. It had been a long time since the two had anyone to speak with, and they did enjoy the company. She allowed him to stay the night though he had to sleep on the rug, to which Allen was grateful. He was excited to know that he was soon to become a hunter of the undead.

© 2024 Scarefrow

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Added on July 29, 2024
Last Updated on August 14, 2024




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