A man exists as a tiger

A man exists as a tiger

A Story by sera bela

A conversation between two people. Separated between bold/italic and Plain text.


The only man I have ever seen was walking down the street the other day

What do you mean only? I am a man.

Maybe in the shallowest sense of the term are you considered a man.

Whatever do you mean?

Whatever do I mean? What about what I don’t mean?

You don’t mean a lot.

A LOT. I mean a lot. I don’t mean nothing.

Nothing within itself is something.

Unless it’s nothing

Well. Nothing is something.

No nothing is the opposite of something

Like right and left?

Day or night.

Black or white?

Yes all of those things it means.

It means? I thought you mean a lot.

No No. you have it all wrong. Its about what I don’t mean.

Oh yes. I am a man. Is that what you mean?


Then what do you not mean?

I don’t mean to say that you are a woman by denying the fact you are a man.

I have a man’s genital part, don’t I?

I suppose. I never checked.

You did that one time.


Yes, remember with the bottle of glue and….

Maybe once I did.

Yes maybe



What I also don’t mean to say is that you are a coward

Whoever brought up the subject of cowardice?

Well. I thought it was obviously implied with the fact that you are not a man.

But you are not insinuating I am a WOAH-man? Are you?

Of course I am not. I would never hint or suggest such a trivial argument. All that I am saying is that you may be an opposite of a man.

Which is a woman?

No, not all the time. I would have to say that the opposite of a man is a tiger?

Why a tiger? Why not a fish?

Fine. A fish. Actually that does make more sense. They swim in water. They have fins. They eat s**t.

You eat s**t.

I do not.

Yes you do.


That hot dog last night.

That is NOT s**t.

Yes yes. It is.

How do you figure?

It is made with awful ingredients.

Which qualifies it for s**t?

Yes. Well…maybe.



The world is full of s**t

You say that with a soft tone

Yes yes I do

Is it because the world is full of soft s**t?

No no. Most of it is hard.



Not all?

I have no idea if all of it is hard. I never checked and don’t plan to.

What do you think they would assume if they heard you?

Heard me what?

Talking to yourself?

I don’t….i don’t ….i do

Don’t stutter it’s unattractive.

You stutter too…

What did you say?


Yes. Yes I do maybe. But that is because you make me.

I do not.

Yes yes you do.

You are a man.

That is not an insulting comment you know

You are a soft s**t tiger fish man

*chuckle* and exactly what does that make you?

Nothing, makes me absolutely nothing.

When you flew last night? Were you nothing?

I have never felt so alive.

Too bad you didn’t land on your feet like a cat-bird…I told you that there was no possible way you could be a cat bird.

Stop it.

Stop what?

Talking. You are being too loud people are looking at us.

At you. They are looking at you. It is impossible for them to be looking at me.

No. that’s not true. Not even a bit.

Maybe a tiny smidgen true.

Yes maybe.




I am going to kill you.

No. no you are not.

Yes. Yes I am.


I haven’t the faintest Idea when or how. I just know I will.

When I stop howling? Is that when?

Yes yes. Then. Please stop whispering in my ear. It tickles.

You are s**t.


Soft s**t, hard s**t.

No please

It doesn’t make a difference.


S**T. S**t S**T. You can’t get rid of me.

Yes….yes…yes…..i will. I can…I MUST

I am soaked in your body. I am intertwined in your sketletal structure.

I will destroy you.

I am embedded in your mind.



They are looking.

Stop it.

Stop what?

Stop talking to yourself.

I am not talking to..

Yes. Yes you are. I Don’t exist.


Close your eyes and enjoy the burning liquid which enters your tight veins.

I can’t

Yes. Yes. Listen to me.


Cause I am you.

….yes. You are.

Just breathe and enter happiness.

Maybe one day I will be happy

You will be carefree after this. Don’t worry

I will not worry

Go to sleep

I will sleep

And you will wake with joyous mind



© 2010 sera bela

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Featured Review

Well I have to say.. this was quite the original read. I can't give you any technical advice as I'm rather new any way.. but I can say that once I started reading.. well.. your mind.. I could not stop. I'm glad you ended it because chances are.. I'd still be reading. I love originality. So no matter what you write.. keep true to yourself and write what you feel. Write what is within you. I truly enjoyed having you share twice your thoughts with me. Thank you so much!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Wow! So different to anything I've read in a long time...ambitious form/structure but I think it works :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Definitely the most original piece I've seen on this site.
And so easy to read, i was lost in the inner dialogue almost immediately.
Looking forward to reading more of your work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is hi-lar-i-ous I'm not sure if you meant it to be though. I loved it. Keep up the good work!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well I have to say.. this was quite the original read. I can't give you any technical advice as I'm rather new any way.. but I can say that once I started reading.. well.. your mind.. I could not stop. I'm glad you ended it because chances are.. I'd still be reading. I love originality. So no matter what you write.. keep true to yourself and write what you feel. Write what is within you. I truly enjoyed having you share twice your thoughts with me. Thank you so much!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on March 31, 2010
Last Updated on March 31, 2010
Tags: exist, tiger, man, a, as, talking, psycho, psychology, crazy, lunatic


sera bela
sera bela

Westminster , MD

I listen to the blood that pulsates through my body. BUMP bump. It speaks. more..


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