Just A Thought

Just A Thought

A Story by Ellie

Something that came to mind and i just feel like maybe sharing it... that is if you care to read it.

So I hate the word "feelings" like... more than normal. I hate that one word can describe so much and either ruin something or create something beautiful. I hate that people are so frightened by this word and cower at the sound of it. My feelings are hidden, so deep I'm afraid they'll never come out. I'm afraid that I'll never tell someone I love them because what if they don't say it back? Its interesting how love works, you hear people say that knowing a person for only a week isn't true love. That's a load of s**t. Imagine meeting someone and not knowing what to expect, they surprise you and you become intoxicated. You realize that maybe this puppy love stage of dates and sex is because you're still learning about the person and with every new second you just keep falling and falling more in love with them. Everything about them is just wonderful. I can never tell a person that because what if I tell them and they don't say it back, what if I tell them and they lie to my face and say it back?
I can never tell him.

© 2014 Ellie

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Fear will always holds us back... too much of it makes us cower away from the real truth on which it is already in front of us. Like they say fear is just fear itself, over-coming it is hard but once you do you become stronger... don't hold back, just love and be loved... :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 25, 2014
Last Updated on June 25, 2014
Tags: just, thought, quote



San Diego, CA

I'm a native Londoner who emigrated to California 15 years ago. Most of my characters weren't fans of this idea and stayed behind in the UK, although they are known to make occasional forays across th.. more..

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