The veil wrapped her modesty,
As she promised her lord;
Not to go out without being veiled.
In any sense of urgency; she conceal her body
Against all odds to protect herself from ignorance
Even if it scares masses, she keeps herself in veil to
Protect her values and honor
Women! Where isn't she from?
She brought the Adam, Noah, and Jesus, Mohammad
Dearest and nearest to God’s creation
And stays awake from the accursed one.
This cloth conceals her secrets within
Even if someone dares to explores her mystery
He May never succeed in exposing it?
It’s the secret of her beauty.
Veil! A threat, oppression to freedom of speech
Does it exist for all? Then why we have more wars then before
Who dares to tell the truth in this world?
If there is freedom, where is freedom?
So she looks tired, worried and disappointed
Being oppressed without having done anything
Her modesty being convicted by the French government
Who imposed sanctions and imprisonment?
Of being just to protect her social values.
But how far they will and ``where does the bird fly
After the last sky?’’ veil is everywhere, apparent and hidden
Don’t jump on me when I say this?
How do you suffice those masters
of war?
when They bites us and are proud of calling it
Collateral damage, I don’t know what to say.
They are surrounded by enemies everywhere
Its innocent blood who is writing their history at the moment.
At a certain point we all are one
So where does the hate comes from then?
``They make desolation and then call it peace’’
We can’t ask them, are you done with this world.
If this world is for all and you and me are same
So drop your weapon.
Justice delayed, justice denied, justice buried
Legalized occupation, legalized aggression, and legalized oppression.
Silenced our voices by arms; so what is there to left?
This is how they protect their future by destroying present
So what will you do about your future?
When you’re still striving to make sense of your yesterday.
At last we are left with either to fight or die.
The modesty of women in the west
I found in the BMW advertisement
A girl standing in front of the car
And it says’ Test drive her now’’
If the canary doesn't sing to you, my friend
You must have overslept then
so wake up now before she leaves
you alone and even if you have find her
Don’t be afraid! She wants you to be modest
Veil! Let me weave
a veil in pure silk
That will float on your head
By those threats and conspiracies
Will not make it bold
I know you will hold your veil
So don’t let it go down
If it goes down, then they will stab a knife
Behind you to declare you a threat to society
So as every now on then, these threats
Will come and vanish so be my bride
She said`` I want you to be mine alone ‘’
So veil me forever and promise me
I am the only one
you will ever see and dream of