Today was the day,
We met.
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.
Today was the day,
Our eyes gazed each other's,
They felt, percieved, and learnt
Something fascinating bout each other's
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.
Today was the day,
Before an year,
We were just so unaware of each other!
yet somehow touched ,
by a glimpse of each other.
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.
Today was the day,
We exactly conversed,
Unaware, and clueless,
Of whatsoever,
Yet intensely curious to know each other,
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.
Today was the day,
That introduced us to 'us'
The silent, observant you
The Chatty, silly me
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.
Today was the day,
We fell for each other,
And heartily gave a consent,
On being with each other,
For the rest of our lives,
For many more years,
Not really as just lovers,
But endearing life partners forever!
Days swept by,
And it's yet the same day,
It's now one year,
To our meeting,
To our greeting,
And the innocent love,
That blossomed from there.
Thank heaven!
Thank Gods!
For adding this magnificent glare,
For this Loving figure,
For blessing me with a hubby like mine,
With whom life seems good,
Even in it's blues
Without whom a day is unimaginable,
Like the night sky without moon!
Whose arms are the most soothing shelter,
I can always pursue,
For a martial bond, As ours
where we'll always be dear,
To each other
And love will blossom
Through and though .
Me and my hubby met each other with our family today, and later we had a conversation where we got to know a little bout each other. It's been one year to this now, and today Exactly was that day😊
Thanks for stopping by and going through my words. All your feedbacks are most welcome., as always😊
My Review
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It's a great poem to give to the one this is written for, and to, because he'll have context, and even the same mental images that bring you joy when thinking about them. But to be meaningful to a reader who knows neither of you, instead of TELLING them of the progression of your love, make them love him for emotional, not factual reasons. Make them CARE. Instead of telling them how happy you are, make them weep with joy for you. Make them feel, not know.
It's a different approach: emotion-based instead of fact-based.
Look at Browning's, "How Do I Love Thee." She says pretty much what you do. But instead of talking about events that only she, and the one the poem is about, have context for, Browning focused on the emotion that that comes as a result of the object of her love being in her life. Do we care how they met, or the date? No. Does his appearance matter? No. It's the result of it that matters because it brings the emotion that results in her declaration.
That single poem, written in 1845, has endured for 174 years because of how perfectly is encapsulates the feelings of a woman in love. Figure out why, and your poetry will take a quantum leap upward in emotional content.
A nicely penned tribute to a blossoming relationship... The poem is well structured, with its repeating refrain, and the thoughts both charming and sincerely expressed.
I suspect you dd not mean 'martial bond' - as in military alliance, but 'marital bond', as in the bond of marriage.
May you continue to find shelter and loving support in your developing union.
what a day! lovely sentiments. i like the unhurried innocence of how it starts out and keeps reinforcing the facets of true love. quite a declaration ... :)
This is a really nice tribute to your husband, marking the date when you met and how he has enriched your life. I hope you show it to him. Today was the day, is a delightful anniversary to celebrate. Nice work Saumya.
It's a great poem to give to the one this is written for, and to, because he'll have context, and even the same mental images that bring you joy when thinking about them. But to be meaningful to a reader who knows neither of you, instead of TELLING them of the progression of your love, make them love him for emotional, not factual reasons. Make them CARE. Instead of telling them how happy you are, make them weep with joy for you. Make them feel, not know.
It's a different approach: emotion-based instead of fact-based.
Look at Browning's, "How Do I Love Thee." She says pretty much what you do. But instead of talking about events that only she, and the one the poem is about, have context for, Browning focused on the emotion that that comes as a result of the object of her love being in her life. Do we care how they met, or the date? No. Does his appearance matter? No. It's the result of it that matters because it brings the emotion that results in her declaration.
That single poem, written in 1845, has endured for 174 years because of how perfectly is encapsulates the feelings of a woman in love. Figure out why, and your poetry will take a quantum leap upward in emotional content.
Mark the day, the moment and the meeting. Anticipation that turns into familiarity. Memories are locked in place for future reference. All the happiness with your hubby.
Hello everyone! 😊
My name is Saumya. I'm just a blooming and budding armature writer, who's fond of reading and writing . Basically, it's not and every day thing for me, but yes, I do write a.. more..