A Writers Pen

A Writers Pen

A Poem by Saumya

A writer is the one
who lives in this same world
but actually exists in a different one,
where he and his thoughts 
only have existence..

His pen, heart, and brain
are the ones,
which are completely filled with 
distinctive thoughts from others
in every situation..

When he writes,
his thoughts become so vigorous
that the ink itself cannot stop
to quote them on the paper...

He sees the world 
differently from others,
and feels differently
in every condition..
His pen, as if clearly knows,
what all to quote,
that the reader actually notes...

The pen when in his hand
never feels bothered,
as it knows
that whatever he writes,
will definitely turn excellent..

The pen feels greatly proud,
every time it is used for
to be written,
because it knows
that one day, this
writer will appreciate my existence,
as i was the only one
to bring out his thoughts
clearly on the paper
in the form of the words,
of his stories or poems,
and made them known to everyone..
and therefore I, can never be forgotten...

If we writers are at a 
soothing level today,
its all because of this mere pen,
who was, and forever will be with us,
to make our every single heartbeat,
thoughts, and emotions, 
flow clearly on the paper,
and made known to everyone..

so I owe all my goodness to you 
my dear pen,
and request all you dear writers
to do the same for your pen,
without whom,
you and your thoughts today
would be nothing,
like a river, pond , lake, ocean,
or even fountain,
without water's presence...

As it was the one,
who itself being lifeless,
made our thoughts lively
and helped us 
made known to everyone...

so how can its existence
really be forgotten..!
as it is the one,
which actually deserves
to be loved and respected 
by everyone..

And the actual gem,
behind a writer's existence..!

© 2013 Saumya

Author's Note

i hope you all enjoyed reading this..
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I find writing with pen more creative then computer or typewriter. There is some magic in it. I like your creations of scenery . What can happen when we start write. Your gratefulness for other writers and your self. Yes i love ending to be loved and respect for his or her creations. This what we all should deserve here. I hope one day this will be also truth.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


6 Years Ago

Indeed! Typing words on the PC can't replace the happiness and satisfaction we writers have when we .. read more

6 Years Ago

I really love that piece. I usually make 2 type of writings here. One is right away on computer and .. read more

6 Years Ago

Thankyou so much!😊
Writing for our own self, and writing for others, both have their own .. read more


Our most sacred tool! Loved your description of that relationship between a writer and his craft really. Great job!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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"He sees the world
differently from others,
and feels differently
in every condition.."

Oh, you have incorporated almost all what a writer does. I believed that when we write something at anywhere in anytime of certain day… we get consumed by the worlds or emotions that comes rushing through.

The mind is a vast space to think, the most complex imaginations are created there. And our hearts is the most empathetic core if we let him/her feels the things around or within us.

I always have doubts that I’m a writer, but reading this makes me feel relieved that I can be one. And I have used my pen to write anything I feel about this piece. I thought that anybody can be a writer. You just have to find the heart to do it, the creativity to manage it, and to find the special voice inside our vast mind.

Creativity starts with just one stroke, and everything will fall into place. We create what we love, so find that special love, a dedication to push any boundaries we ourselves created.

A very nice piece my friend…

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow, i knew it, i knew there were aout there old style writters. It just wasn't unbelievable that the pen and paper were burried down in history by technology. I do agree, that the pen is the mos imortant instrument for a writter; like a lawyer without its evidence, a cop without his gun, a runner without his shoes, or a medic without his diagnostic, a writer is nothing witthout his pen.
Loved it !!!! Great job!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Very intuitive and shows passion for the pen and paper!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is sooo good!! Very true, very well-written. Salute to your pen ;)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I still run to my pen and his best friend paper! Great piece!

Posted 10 Years Ago

A fantastic piece of appreciation and it pours out a writer's talent! Excellent!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This makes me appreciate my pen.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I love writing with a pen, the experience is different than typing on a keyboard.

Very creative and clever poem. Well written. I enjoyed reading it very much.

:) Julie

Posted 10 Years Ago

One hundred years ago a fountain pen was invented with a special feature. It had a half moon shaped curve of metal that protruded from its side - like one arm akimbo. It is said that this feature alone set it apart from all others because when it was lain upon a table it could not roll off onto the floor. For this it was said to be a "profanity saver." In this your arm is akimbo and it cannot roll to an undesired place. It too is a profanity saver.

100 sparkling gems

Posted 10 Years Ago

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66 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on September 19, 2013
Last Updated on September 19, 2013




Hi all:) this is me....Saumya well, i don't have much to tell you all about me.. but yes to start with, I love writing & painting.(you can find some of my paintings in the "my photos" section of.. more..

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A Poem by Saumya

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